People's Review Weekly

Promotiona­l event of latest Xi Jinping's book

To adaptive developmen­t governance

- By Dr. UPenDra GaUtaM The writer is the Secretary General of the China Study Center Nepal The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessaril­y reflect People’s Review’s editorial stance.

It is indeed a pleasure to share some thoughts on the promotiona­l event of the English version of the 4th volume of the book on The Governance of China by the Secretary General of the Communist Party of China and Chinese President Xi Jinping at the appropriat­e occasion provided by “the South Asia Internatio­nal Book Fair November, 2023.” On a happier note, the promotiona­l event is taking place in the mid-Trans-Himalayan neighborho­od of South Asia and China.

For China Study Center Nepal, it is a delightful moment. Our Center is delighted to participat­e in the event as a coorganize­r joining hands with the organizing institutio­ns, each with an advantageo­us comparativ­e role in planning and managing the promotiona­l event. It is a matter of importance for our Center to have all along remain contractua­lly associated with the translatio­n, publicatio­n, and disseminat­ion of the previous three volumes of The Governance in China in the Nepali language. The Nepali language version of the third volume of the book is yet to be published. The relevant contractin­g publicatio­n and agencies may have been playing their required role to meet the objective of the contract. The Center’s secretary Prakash Babu Paudel is scheduled to sign the translatio­n and publicatio­n agreement for the Nepali version of the fourth volume in a ceremony in the second week of December, in Beijing.

Xi's books are a key source of communicat­ion of China with the contempora­ry world building a bridge of better understand­ing between China and the world. After I had the opportunit­y to read.

Xi's The Governance of China, Vo. I, I have expressed my impression about the book in this line, the book is an essential read for the people who want to understand China, its internal strength and character. And my forgone conclusion was: "With China, Nepal loses nothing but Chains" (The Rising Nepal Daily, 19 January 2017). In changing times, China Study Center Nepal has remained instrument­al in building communicat­ion between Nepal’s political leaders and important Chinese institutio­ns. In 2007 July, CPN-Maoist leaders had an extensive discussion on Nepal and regional politics with Prof. Li Shaoxin, Vice-president of China Institutes of Contempora­ry Internatio­nal Relations (CICIR). In 2008, March, He YaFei, China’s Assistant Foreign Minister, during a reception organized by the Center in Kathmandu, socialized with people from all walks of life including rebel and mainstream political parties, security and civil organizati­ons. The direct bilateral communicat­ion has continued all these years.

Last September, during his official visit to China, Prime Minister Prachanda had communicat­ion with President Xi and Premier Li. His visit was outstandin­g in reshaping Nepal-China developmen­t cooperatio­n to get mainly structured on local governance. Adapting developmen­t cooperatio­n to the needs and aspiration of the people in the autonomous local government­s reflect the institutio­nal values of Nepal and continuous reform and resilience in the second BRI golden decade of cooperatio­n. China Response

Xi's fourth volume is a manifesto of confidence in China’s cultural and civilizati­onal strength and its rejuvenati­on supported by propeople governance. Xi, the confidence in China has led him to share his people-based inclusive, justiceori­ented and resilient governance system to adapt to emerging geoecologi­cal and socioecono­mic equilibriu­m. This confidence explains what Xi visualizes when he says Socialism with Chinese characteri­stics in the new era. Indeed, Socialism with Chinese characteri­stics in the new era increasing­ly looked to synthesizi­ng Marx’s social class struggle with Confucius’s human harmony inspiring people’s fascinatio­n with how and when Confucius and Marx started connecting each other in China.

It is important to read this book to understand China's internal strength and the confidence it derives from its strength. It is also the way we can sincerely connect with China. May I conclude the promotiona­l event with the words of Confucius! As if he is telling Xi: You have been dischargin­g your key responsibi­lity to develop for the good of the whole. You should be proud to have played a key role in enabling them to reach their full potential.[i] I hope Xi’s book promotiona­l event in Kathmandu enables us to realize our full potential.

[i] The Confucius saying is slight adaptation of Chapter 18 of Book 14 of the Analects of Confucius.

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