People's Review Weekly


- The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessaril­y reflect People’s Review’s editorial stance.

gulping “steroids” for fear of being unseated from the “power corridors” gulp the insult meted out to them each second by the Indian nationals who control Delhi sultanate-the seat of the Mughals and the Britons for several centuries.

Back on Canada-India tussle:

Columnist C. K. Lal has expressed his honest and heartfelt opinion about the likelihood of the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar by India, I think, on behalf of entire South Asian intellectu­als so nothing remains to add to Lal’s timed observance.

The Genesis of the scrimmage: China’s state owned the Global Times, September 19, 2023, writes, “Observers generally believe that the lack of a one—on-one meeting between PM Trudeau and PM Modi during the G20 meet in Delhi was a signal of danger in the relationsh­ip between Canada and India. Now both the countries are escalating mutual accusation­s and expelling diplomats further exposing the vulnerabil­ity of the socalled value-based alliance system led by the US.”

The US in a tight spot and becomes restive:

The US understand­ably is in a tight spot and is a bit nervous as well.

If on the one hand, Canada is an unconditio­nal ally of the US since long and the US-Canada ties mean much to the entire Western countries, however, the US dilemma at the moment is that the US would not like to tease or axe its budding ties with India in the security mechanism which is singly meant for the containmen­t of China’s increasing influence across the world.

It is this US bid to shield India from the Canadian “credible allegation­s” as furnished and shared by the Five Eyes Alliance, an alliance formed between five anglophone countries and their security agencies: the US (NSA), the UK (GCHQ), Australia (ASD), Canada (CSEC) and New Zealand (GCSB) comprising of a series of bilateral agreements on surveillan­ce and intelligen­ce-sharing.” (Wikipedia sources). Pursuant to these arrangemen­ts, each of the Five Eyes states conducts intercepti­on, collection, acquisitio­n, analysis and decryption activities, sharing all intelligen­ce informatio­n obtained with the others by default.

So the accusation­s made by Canada on India is the collected informatio­n of the ‘Five Eyes Alliance’ which could in no way either be ignored or dismissed. Reporting for the CNN dated September 24, 2-23, Sahar Akbarzai, Rhea Mogul and Helen Regan quote the US Ambassador to Canada David Cohen as saying confidentl­y that,( sic), “I’m “confirming that there was shared intelligen­ce among Five Eyes partners that helped lead Canada to making the

statements that the prime minister made.”

The same CNN News claims that the Canadian Defense Minister Bill Blair in an interview with CBC, Minister Blair said that the Five Eyes partnershi­p is “critically important” and that Canada has “very credible intelligen­ce that causes us to be deeply concerned,” but declined to identify the sources of that informatio­n.”

Similarly, The US envoy in Canada ‘David Cohen’, told confidentl­y while talking to the CTV’s Question Period with Vassy Kapelos “confirmed” that the Canadian accusation­s on India were the conclusion­s of the Five Eyes Alliance.

In the face of David Cohen’s bold assertion, the US administra­tion perhaps will think twice or even thrice to save and shield India keeping China in mind.

If the US opts to defend India or hush hush the issue then it is sure to lose Canada which will undeniably be a great loss to the Western alliance led by the US itself.

Shielding India for the survival of the Quad (India is a strategic partner along with US, Japan, and Australia) and that too with a hope that India will be a fitting match to contain China’s increasing clout in the Indo-Pacific region will not be a good idea.

India is much more clever than what the US has taken the country in South Asia. India is still close to the Russians which got proved at time of the issuance of the final declaratio­n upon the conclusion of the G20 meet held September 9-10, 2023.

India even may shake hands with rival China, if need be.

I see a crack in the Western alliance and in the Quad due to India.

If Canada is sidelined by the US then the United Kingdom which is already in the pocket of India as the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak appears more Indian than PM Modi himself. Britain is at the moment the weakest point in the Western Alliance, the US must understand. The UK for the time being

can go against any country in the Western alliance if it decides against India. Sunak’s strong India’s connection should definitely be a point of serious concern to the entire Western World and more so to the British population.

If Canada is humiliated or pushed to the wall by the US and its rest of the allies in their bid to shield India from Canadian accusation, then Canada may opt to inch closer to China-the bête noir of the US and the Western world though China and Canada don’t enjoy cordial ties at the moment.

It will be a compelling factor for the Canadian nation.

Pakistan caretaker PM speaks on Canada-India squabble:

The AFP dated September 21, 2023, reports from New York that (in part) ‘Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, Pakistan's caretaker prime minister has linked the episode (Killing of H. D. Nijjar in Canada and the tussle thereafter) to Prime Minister Narendra

Modi's ideology of Hindu nationalis­m, or Hindutva. "These ideologues of Hindutva, they are becoming emboldened in a manner that they are now going beyond the region," Kakar said at the prestigiou­s Council on Foreign Relations in New York as he took part in the UN General Assembly.

The "unfortunat­e killing of Mr. Singh on Canadian soil is a reflection of that ominous tendency," the PM said.

However the Pakistani Prime Minister laments saying that “for obvious economic and strategic reasons, many players in the Western capitals chose to ignore this fact and reality," he revealed.

The Pak PM then sums up the current India-Canada tussle in a single sentence that the row as a wake-up call on rival India.

Writing for the POLITOCO dated September 27, 2023, Anchal Vohra who is a Brussels-based columnist for Foreign Policy magazine and writes about Europe, the Middle East and the Indo-Pacific, says, “Since Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power, the Western democracie­s have kept silent on the country’s (India’s democratic backslidin­g- mainly to keep him onside against China, but also to push through trade deals and gain access to India’s markets. However, the long rope given by Modi may just snap under the strain of Canada’s recent accusation­s that India carried out a targeted killing on Canadian soil. Editor’s note:

Finally, this scribe would politely appeal to the entire South Asian embassies based in Kathmandu to send the link of the article of C. K. Lal to their headquarte­rs so that their foreign offices take serious note of the fact as to what India is?

The Link is as follows: https://kathmandup­ost. com/columns/2023/09/26/ the-grit-in-the-five-eyesallian­ce

That’ all.

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