People's Review Weekly

CIB collects statements from Madhav Nepal, Baburam for just formality

- By Our Reporter

The Central Bureau of Investigat­ion (CIB) of Nepal Police has taken statements from two former Prime Ministers Dr. Baburam Bhattarai and Madhav Kumar Nepal regarding the Lalita Niwas land case.

The CIB went to the homes of both the former prime ministers and took their statements and submitted its report, as reported by the media.

The statements were collected just for formality. On Tuesday, the CIB decided not to make the two former prime ministers defendant but government witnesses in the case.

It is because Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal does not want to jail the ex-PMs because he has been the PM only because of Madahv Nepal. Meanwhile, the Central Investigat­ion Bureau (CIB) of the Nepal Police handed over the investigat­ion report of the Lalita Niwas land scam to the District Government Attorney Office, Kathmandu on Tuesday. The CIB has suggested the District Government Attorney's Office file cases against around 250 persons including former Deputy Prime Minister and

Nepali Congress leader Bijaya Kumar Gachchhada­r for organised crime and forgery of government documents.

The CIB has also suggested naming former ministers Chandra Dev Joshi and Dambar Bahadur Shrestha, former state minister Sanjay Sah Takla and former chief commission­er for the Commission for Investigat­ion of Abuse of Authority (CIAA)

Deep Basnyat, among others, as defendants in the case. Likewise, Shobhakant Dhakal, Ram Kumar Subedi and Bhatbhaten­i Supermarke­t owner Min Bahadur Gurung have been named as prime suspects while Bhattarai and Nepal have been named as government witnesses.

Lalita Niwas covers some 143 ropanis of land and includes the Prime Minister’s residence, Nepal Rastra Bank’s central office and some other residences of key government officials.

According to CIB’s spokespers­on and Superinten­dent of Police, the CIB had received arrest warrants against 406 individual­s. CIB submitted the investigat­ion report to the Attorney's Office on the 57th day of their arrest.

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