People's Review Weekly

Quotes of the Week

- Niraj Wagle Excerpted and translated by Sushma Shrestha

Reports have been coming from Madhesh about the increase in the number of believers in Christiani­ty and the rising number of churches, which wasn't there a couple of years ago.

- Chandrakis­hore If the government fails to increase the purchasing power of consumers and eliminate/reduce dependency through industrial­ization, the economic crisis will be permanent.

Ratna Sansar Shrestha In fact, Nepal is such a country that the entire cabinet is involved in smuggling. After all, the leaders misuse the quota allotted to the poor for their relatives. There is evidence that the six prime ministers who are alive were involved in different criminal activities in the past.

Purushotta­m Dhungel

In Nepal, the parliament has become the property of three leaders and can be closed whenever they want. The political science book that we read will not work for Nepal. Three leaders should jointly write a new book on political science.

Dwarika Nath Dhungel

The so-called Maoist people's war continued for ten years and was conducted by Delhi, which destroyed and ruined Nepal.

In 2063, Delhi initiated a 12-point agreement that was inked according to Indian desire. The parliament­ary democracy was ended by Girija Prasad Koirala doing the exact opposite of BP Koirala by creating an interim constituti­on and a fully nominated interim parliament. This trend finally introduced loot-tantra and the politics of Bhagbanda.

Kamal Prasad Koirala People do not look favourably on Girijababu. They say it is Girija who has spoiled the country. Instead of going anywhere else, they reach the BP path. Had Girijababu's policy been successful, BP's name would not have been pronounced. However, as questions about federalism, republican­ism, and secularism are raised, questions are also raised about Girijababu's success.

Prakash Koirala Since the year 2000, Nepal's exports have been stable, in the meantime, they have only increased by 4 per cent, making Nepal one of the weakest exporting countries in the world.Rabindra Mishra I am in Norway. The king is also accepted here. Religion and Christiani­ty are also taught in class one. They are among the richest people in the world. And in my country, we have removed the king, and we have also ended our religion. Leaders have become fat, and people have become poor. What stops the developmen­t of a nation?

The most unproducti­ve group is the Nepali parliament­arians. There is no need for hundreds of MPs to distribute salaries, allowances, benefits, etc. to them, whose job is just to applaud the decisions made by five leaders. Let's stop the game of weakening the army.

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