New Era

Transition of power

- - Olavi Popyeinawa Twitter: @olavipopye­inawa Email: olavipopye­

One of the events that make Namibia such a great and stable country, is how effortless­ly power is transferre­d to the incoming leader. At the highest level, Namibia has since its independen­ce always had a smooth and peaceful transfer of power. It is honestly a great example to the youth and a thing of beauty to witness.

Most people who pursue careers have ambitions to get the pinnacle of their profession­s.

In most cases, that is a leadership position of sorts, and they work hard to get there but as we have seen in recent times, they, unfortunat­ely, work even harder to stay there, even when their tenure is up.

Some people must have not gotten the memo from the presidenti­al transition­s, because it is incredible how often leaders refuse to leave a post when they have run their course or even been voted out.

While a peaceful and smooth transition is vital to the smooth running of any organisati­on, a lack of it is what causes some irreparabl­e damage. Some things cannot be wiped away with a magic wand, and their effects continue to be felt even after the whole debacle is done.

A prime example is a messy situation at the Namibia Football Associatio­n. Frankly, the players and fans are not concerned with what the issues are, they are hurt that there is no football being played on the pitch. That’s what happens when management or leaders are fighting over trivial issues, it’s the innocent people who end up paying the price, not to mention the sponsors.

They say one of the great hallmarks of exceptiona­l leaders is knowing when to leave, and knowing when you have run your course. Of course, some tenures may come to an abrupt end, but whatever the reason may be that you have to step down, do it peacefully, without inconvenie­ncing the incoming person. Things are not always what they seem. There will be times you will have to fight tooth and nail, because not everyone has a golden heart like you do and abide by the rules as you do, at which point you may have to respond as you deem necessary to protect your position and integrity. All things considered, it will always be important to have a smooth and peaceful transition, because whether you know it or not, there is a young person observing what you are doing. They will be inspired by your actions, whatever they may be.

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