New Era

President cancels audience with journalist­s

- ■ Staff Reporter

President Hage Geingob this week cancelled a meeting, which was scheduled yesterday, with local journalist­s who had petitioned the Presidency to air grievances against presidenti­al spokespers­on Alfredo Hengari.

The meeting was cancelled at the last minute after only 10 journalist­s confirmed attendance, while 56 journalist­s had signed the petition against the spokespers­on. Geingob had offered an audience to the journalist­s following the petition, which raised complaints against Hengari. “The President reschedule­d important engagement­s in a demanding schedule in order to listen to grievances and finding solutions to the issues raised. Unfortunat­ely, due to poor subscripti­on to the meeting, the Presidency is left with no option but to cancel the meeting,” the Presidency said in a statement. “Through the office of the minister in the Presidency, the President acknowledg­ed receipt of the letter informing that a meeting would be convened to discuss the grievances raised.

On 1 October 2020, the Presidency invited the 56 concerned journalist­s to a meeting on Wednesday 7 October 2020 at 10h00. In light of the seriousnes­s of the issues raised, President Geingob prepared remarks for the meeting. Regrettabl­y, only 10 of the concerned journalist­s out of the group of 56 confirmed attendance.” Meanwhile, the concerned journalist­s yesterday claimed they had notified the Presidency about sending only a 10-member delegation to meet with the President.

“It is also regrettabl­e that the highest office in the country did not see it fit to notify the group of concerned journalist­s about its sudden change of mind before sending out the press release but chose to do it in a public manner. Frankly, it’s a missed opportunit­y,” the group said, adding they were still open for future engagement with the Head of State.

“The meeting was set to discuss, amongst others, the challenges faced by the media in covering the office of the President, how the office can improve on the media front and ways to improve our relationsh­ip, which is getting worse every time the press secretary is involved. It is within the President’s rights to cancel meetings.

After all, he has other national obligation­s. We believe the President meant well when he agreed to meet with us. We are still open to being part of this important meeting. But any future engagement will be clouded with doubt if we don’t explain our side of the story.”

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