The Sunday Times of Malta - Sunday Circle

Quick Fire Q’s


First thing you each noticed about the other?

Angele: His eyes are beautiful, but mostly it was his mind. He also was very caring with his many nieces and nephews, so I could see a good dad immediatel­y.

Malcolm: Her laugh. I was fascinated by her. I was never super-confident around girls but since I didn’t consider her as being within my league, I was very comfortabl­e around her and we had wonderful conversati­ons. That’s when we realised that our dreams were pretty much aligned.

Who popped the question and how?

Angele: He did. I was not expecting it, but I had been sending hints almost to the point of spelling it out. Unfortunat­ely, I am quite old-fashioned that way and did not pop the question myself. At the time, it would not have felt legit. Nowadays, I’m more secure in myself, so I might have.

Malcolm: I meant to do it on her 28th birthday after a performanc­e of the first pantomime I wrote in which we were both acting. However, she had fainted and broken a tooth earlier that day, so I proposed from her bedside.

What makes it work?

Angele: We find each other exciting and we are so attracted to each other. We cannot have enough of each other. We have very similar interests and agree on almost everything. This glues us firmly together. Sorry if it sounds gushy and clichéd.

Malcolm: When I met her I was in awe of her and tried to present the best version of myself to her. In the past 23 years, that hasn’t really changed.


We are passionate people, very invested in our points of view. There has been shouting, more than once, but in the end, love conquers all. We resolve them by giving each other enough space, then, either eventually laughing it off, having a hard talk or some other type of physical activity. (Ed’s note: Feels like there should be a wink at the end of that sentence.)

The secret of your relationsh­ip’s success is?

Angele: Laughter. I love laughing, and he loves making me laugh. Also, humility, patience and loads of love. No one is perfect, but we are perfect for each other.

Malcolm: I’d add that we also see each other as equals and are each other’s biggest fans. •

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