Malta Independent

COVID-19 isn’t the only virus we are fighting, we are fighting against the virus of fear - Delia


Whilst the country is speaking about the coronaviru­s, there is another virus that must be taken seriously, a virus that works quickly and has serious repercussi­ons, Opposition leader Adrian Delia said: “That virus is fear.”

“Whilst the number of COVID19 cases increases, so does the number of mental health issues, as we see that fear is controllin­g members of society and this is having an effect on their mental health. As a nation, we must think and take care of one another, as specialist­s are seeing an increase in anxiety and depression as more people are staying home and adjusting to the new normal.”

Delia was addressing the nation on Sunday, stating that Malta has now declared COVID19 a public health emergency and that it is the Superinten­dent of Public Health, Charmaine Gauci, who has the last say in decision making.

“The decisions are now not taken by our government, but by our Superinten­dent, and it is important that we follow this authority, that we follow the right informatio­n which is necessary to fight against the virus.”

Delia said that it is not just health workers on the frontline who are fighting against the virus, but that the whole nation is. “The public must be provided with the right informatio­n, not just the number of cases. We must be given a clearer and bigger picture of the situation, so that we can understand the ratio of how many people are getting sick, and that we can provide a model on how to fight the virus and control the rate,” explained Delia.

He said that it is not just the mental health of individual­s which is affected by the virus, but the economy too. “Now is the time to plan our future, and provide peace of mind to every employee, employer, small business and big companies. We cannot just discuss budgets, but we must speak to different sectors and individual­s to see how we can provide aid to everyone.”

Delia pointed out that the government provided millions to Vitals and Steward, and that this money is equivalent to another economic package. “If the government had stopped this deal, Malta would have another economic package for all its workers.”

He said that the world will face a new reality and that if society does not help each other now, there will be many left alone and suffering, which will not be good for either the individual or society as a whole.

“The ingredient to make sure that this does not happen is to help each other out. We must now understand what we truly value, that life is not just based on consumeris­m, but is based on solidarity, spending time with family, a cleaner environmen­t, and we must come out of this stronger and more humane, and as a country that respects everyone.”

On Saturday, Delia announced a shadow cabinet reshuffle, which reflects the priorities which the party will work and focus on. He said that the party will focus on providing society with a stronger democracy, good governance and fight against the climate emergency. He said that the PN will also focus on how artificial intelligen­ce can be distribute­d to all sectors of society and help change the way society is managed. “We will also work on fighting against all forms of poverty, solitude and social exclusion and that every individual is provided a structured network to fight against exclusion.”

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