Malta Independent

MAPFRE Group sponsors breast cancer screening for employees

Group raises awareness for Pink October


MAPFRE Group in Malta joined in the Pink October movement by raising awareness amongst its employees and sponsoring the cost of breast screening for all women who work for the company.

On Friday 19 October, the Internatio­nal Breast Cancer day, employees at MAPFRE Middlesea and MAPFRE MSV Life were encouraged to wear pink clothes to raise awareness about this disease. Pink is considered the internatio­nal symbol of the struggle against this disease. The company’s social club added to this incentive by offering out pink muffins against a small donation, which will be topped up by the company and forwarded to Marigold Foundation.

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women and Malta has one of the highest incidents of breast cancer in women in Europe. Across Europe, breast cancer accounts for about 15.6% of all cancer-related deaths. However, early diagnosis significan­tly increases the chances of survivals, and it is therefore essential to undergo mammogram and regular personal checks. For this reason the MAPFRE management in Malta decided to sponsor the costs of breast screening for all women who work for the company. This will allow 186 women across the MAPFRE Malta group to do the screening.

It is highly recommende­d that women selfexamin­e their breasts regularly and consult a doctor should they feel any change. However, some symptoms might be too small to be detected through self-examinatio­n and therefore mammograms are highly recommende­d.

Across the MAPFRE Global Group, 26 countries joined to cause, leading to a widespread participat­ion of employees. The MAPFRE Group also helped raise awareness through its online platforms.

MAPFRE Middlesea p.l.c. (C-5553) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on both Long Term and General Business under the Insurance Business Act, 1998.

MAPFRE MSV Life p.l.c. (C-15722) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry on long term business under the Insurance Business Act 1998.;




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