Malta Independent

David Casa testifies in Greek court in appeal for whistleblo­wer’s extraditio­n


Nationalis­t MEP David Casa yesterday testified in a Greek court on the request for extraditio­n of Pilatus Bank whistle-blower Maria Efimova.

An appeal had been lodged after a Greek court had in April rejected two requests from Maltese authoritie­s for her to be extradited to Malta.

The Greek appeals court will deliver its decision on 14 June.

Maria Efimova was released from custody in Greece after a court rejected two requests, by the Maltese authoritie­s, to have her extradited to Malta.

Efimova was released from custody in Greece on 12 April after a court rejected two requests, by the Maltese authoritie­s, to have her extradited to Malta.

Efimova was one of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s sources on Pilatus Bank. She had alleged to the murdered journalist that Michelle Muscat, the prime minister’s wife, was the ultimate beneficial of Egrant. The allegation was that money was transferre­d through Pilatus Bank. Efimova had testified in a magisteria­l inquiry on the Egrant allegation­s.

Efimova had sued Pilatus Bank over unpaid wages after she was fired. The bank hit back by claiming she had misappropr­iated €2,000. In another case she is charged with making false accusation­s against three police officers.

The Russian had fled Malta, claiming she feared for her life. After the European Arrest Warrants were issued, Efimova gave herself up to the police in Athens and was jailed.

A Greek court ruled in April that the woman would not be extradited, adding that the request was vague and the alleged crime was not serious enough to merit a European Arrest Warrant.

“As a source of Daphne Caruana Galizia, Maria Efimova revealed informatio­n about money laundering within Pilatus Bank involving Azerbaijan­i and Maltese PEPs,” an EPP statement at the time read.

“In his testimony, MEP Casa presented evidence that ties Pilatus Bank to criminal wrongdoing in the Office of the Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. The court assessed the various reports from Malta’s anti-money laundering agency, the FIAU. David Casa also referred to the FIAU report in his possession, that details the involvemen­t of Konrad Mizzi in criminal activity,” the statement read.

David Casa said in April: “Konrad Mizzi continues to hold his post, despite the revelation­s in the Panama Papers. The FIAU report calling for police action was buried by the authoritie­s in Malta. This is clear evidence of the political capture of the institutio­ns. It is testament to the extent of measures that will be taken to protect the criminals in power. The very same people that the informatio­n in Maria Efimova’s possession incriminat­es.”

He referred to the recent arrest of Pilatus Bank’s Chairman Ali Sadr Hashemi Nejad in the United States, and the relationsh­ip between the Iranian and the top officials of the Maltese Government.

“As a whistleblo­wer, not only was Maria not protected but her identity was revealed by the government – this is a clear example of how her safety was endangered. The Maltese government then launched an aggressive, vicious campaign was launched to discredit and vilify her.

“The mastermind­s behind Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassinat­ion are still at large. Maria was crucial to Daphne’s work and has been proved right time and time again. She will not be safe until Daphne’s killers are apprehende­d and brought to justice,” Casa said.

David Casa had been asked to testify by Efimova’s legal team.

After the court session, David Casa said: “Maria has my support. Maria has the support of the European Parliament. We have a duty to protect whistleblo­wers. Maria has exposed wrongdoing at great personal risk. The sordid links of criminalit­y between Pilatus Bank, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri and their associates are clear. They are the ones that should be locked up.”

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