Malta Independent

Melvin Farrugia


Melvin Farrugia, MITA Social Media, PR & Communicat­ions Executive

MITA has this week welcomed Her Excellency the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca who expressed her pride in meeting the “digital heart of our country”. During this visit, President Coleiro Preca, together with other representa­tives from the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, were given a presentati­on by MITA Cares regarding MITA’s Corporate Social Responsibi­lity.

MITA Cares is responsibl­e for the co-ordination of philantrop­ic activities in the community and with non-government­al agencies. It contribute­s through five primary ways, namely through collection of money during team building events; blood donations every two monts; donations of ICT hardware; financial contributi­ons and logistical support through volunteers.

It also helps MITA employees who experience difficulti­es. The agency employees have adopted a scheme through which they donate a small sum of money every month to build a fund through which MITA Cares can then provide assistance to those employees who are in need. MITA Cares also provides sponsorshi­p for philantrop­ic challenges and missions, while assisting even the families of MITA employees.

On this occasion, MITA’s Executive Chairman, Tony Sultana launched a new sheme called “Extended Care”, which will be available to all MITA employees and their families. Through this scheme, MITA will provide financial assistance to those employees who are facing difficult times, because of illness and other health conditions. These employees will be provided with assistance so that they can take necessary treatments or buy special equipment required for their health condition.

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca was very satisfied with the introducti­on of this concept which encourages the holistic well-being of employees. Her Excellency explained that it is very important to take care not only of employees, but also of those who are dearest to them and of the community.

While encouragin­g this culture to prosper at MITA, President Coleiro Preca said that every company should take care of its employees, no matter how big the organisati­on is. The President also emphasised on the importance of providing voluntary help in communitie­s to ensure that no suffers alone.

President Coleiro Preca also had the chance to meet MITA’s employees, whom she addressed and told that was very proud to meet. Her Excellency encouraged “our country’s digital heart” to be innivative, creative and proactive so that as a country we can make the necessary changes which help us become better and more efficient. While thanking MITA’s employees for their valuable contributi­on towards the public administra­tion of our country, President Coleiro Preca also encouraged MITA’s employees to extend their hands towards the community.

During this visit, MITA presented a number of laptops to President Coleiro Preca so that they can be used as a tool by the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

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