The Sun (Malaysia)



PETALING JAYA: Lack of proficienc­y in the English language, and not just the mismatch of jobs, is one of the main barriers facing graduates in search of employment.

Malaysian Employers Federation ( MEF) executive director Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan said although most graduates can understand the language, they are unable to communicat­e their views orally in a proper manner.

“Some even have a problem constructi­ng proper sentences, and employers are unlikely to hire such people,” he said when commenting on the issue.

Shamsuddin agreed the issue of mismatch also exists, as there are graduates who face difficulty in finding suitable jobs that match their qualificat­ions.

This l eads to many being employed in fields they are not qualified in, citing for example, chemical engineerin­g graduates working in marketing or public relations jobs.

The downturn in the oil and gas industry, he added, had also

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