The Sun (Malaysia)

Norway blocks unique real estate sale in Svalbard


OSLO: The Norwegian government said on Monday it had blocked a plan to sell the last privately owned piece of land on the strategic Arctic archipelag­o of Svalbard in order to prevent its potential acquisitio­n by foreign actors such as China.

The remote Sore Fagerfjord property in southweste­rn Svalbard – 60sq km of mountains, plains and a glacier – was on sale for €300 million (RM1.5 billion).

The archipelag­o is located halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, in an Arctic region that has become a geopolitic­al and economic hotspot as the ice melts and relations grow ever frostier between Russia and the West.

Twice the size of Belgium, Svalbard is governed under an unusual legal framework that allows foreign entities to gain footholds in the region.

A treaty signed in 1920 recognises Norwegian sovereignt­y over the territory but it also gives citizens of the signatory powers – which include Russia and China – the same rights to exploit its mineral resources.

Russia, for example, has maintained coal mining communitie­s on Svalbard, via the state-run company Trust Arktikugol, for decades.

Yet Norway, keen to protect its sovereignt­y, would not look kindly on the property falling into foreign hands, and the government said on Monday a potential sale will require state approval under national security law.

“The current owners of Sore Fagerfjord are open to selling to actors that could challenge Norwegian legislatio­n in Svalbard,” Trade and Industry Minister Cecilie Myrseth said.

“It could disturb stability in the region and potentiall­y threaten Norwegian interests,” she added.

The ministry again made an offer of 20 million kroner (RM8.9 million) for the property last week, Fredrik Sejersted, the attorney-general acting on the government’s behalf, told AFP on Monday.

That offer – a tiny fraction of the owners’ €300 million asking price – was refused.

Lawyer Per Kyllingsta­d, who represents the sellers, has previously told AFP that he had received “concrete signs of interest” from potential Chinese buyers who have “been showing a real interest in the Arctic and Svalbard for a long time”.

The piece of land is a unique occasion to grab the “last private land in Svalbard, and, to our knowledge, the last private land in the world’s High Arctic”, he said.

Kyllingsta­d did not immediatel­y respond to the government announceme­nt.

The property’s seller is a firm controlled by a Russian-born Norwegian, according to local media.

Critics are sceptical about the price and feasibilit­y of the sale.

The property, in the southwest of the archipelag­o, a region without roads or infrastruc­ture, covers protected areas where constructi­on and motorised transport are prohibited, stripping it of commercial value.

The Norwegian state owns 99.5% of Svalbard and has declared most of the land, including the Sore Fagerfjord property, protected areas where constructi­on and motorised transport, among other things, are prohibited.

But the sellers cite the 1920 treaty to argue that owners can exploit and develop their properties.

Since China’s 2018 white paper on the Arctic, the country has defined itself as a“near-Arctic state” and plans to play a growing role in the region. – AFP

 ?? ?? Scientists driving their snowmobile­s cross the arctic during dawn near Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. – REUTERSPIC
Scientists driving their snowmobile­s cross the arctic during dawn near Ny-Alesund, Svalbard. – REUTERSPIC

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