The Sun (Malaysia)

Nurture wealth of knowledge


ONLY through education can we break the vicious cycle of poverty. It is often said that knowledge is power, knowledge is income.

We can be robbed of our physical wealth or property, but no one can take away our wealth of knowledge.

If we uplift the poor through physical and spiritual education, they will be able to stand on their own feet.

Spiritual education can help people eradicate their bad habits of drinking, smoking and spending lavishly on luxuries. Without vices, there will be savings.

There was this man in our spiritual university in India who earned about 400 rupees (RM23.55), and he had a family to support. He had many vices, including drinking and smoking.

After doing meditation, he gave up most of his vices. He started to donate 200 rupees to the centre.

When the sister in charge asked him why he was giving so much, he said that previously he used to spend about 300 rupees on his vices. So he was happy to give this much.

A man with knowledge can survive anywhere in the world. We also need spiritual knowledge to remain humble and level-headed.

With spiritual education, we understand that if someone insults you, there is no need to react because that person is in pain. Instead, we have mercy and forgivenes­s for that person.

Some years ago, a relative insulted me. When his brother passed away, I shook hands with him, and offered my condolence­s.

Until now, he is avoiding me. But I only have good wishes for him.

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