The Sun (Malaysia)

Act 355 motion a death knell for BN?


MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai says Barisan Nasional (BN) faces disintegra­tion should Umno unilateral­ly table something similar to or exactly the same as the motion on Act 355 proposed by PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang in Parliament.

Speaking to Sin Chew Daily in a report published yesterday, Liow said MCA’s stand is clear and firm; that it is opposed to any move to make the amendment to Act 355, or any proposal similar to it.

The motion on Act 355 refers to proposed amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdicti­on) Act 1955.

“We (MCA MPs) will vote against it even though there are only seven of us in Parliament,” said Liow, who is transport minister.

He said if Umno disregards the dissent of its coalition partners and presents the amendments to Act 355 to Parliament, it will be the culprit for underminin­g the BN spirit.

“Whichever party pushes and votes for this unconstitu­tional bill will be the culprit to split BN. When that happens, it is not MCA but Umno that has undermined the BN spirit.”

“Can BN continue to exist without the BN spirit?” he asked.

Liow added the proposed amendments, which will see the present punishment cap raised to 30 years’ jail, 100 strokes of the cane and RM100,000 fine, are against the Federal Constituti­on and, if endorsed, will open the floodgates to allow other states apart from Kelantan to implement hudud.

“At present, the jurisdicti­on and powers of the syariah courts are below those of the civil courts, which means Kelantan still cannot implement hudud despite having passed the hudud bill.

“However, if Hadi’s motion is passed, syariah courts’ jurisdicti­on and powers may be on par or even greater than those of the civil courts, and states can implement hudud,” he said, adding that this is what MCA is worried about.

He said having two legal systems will split the people, adding that one of the party’s mission is to preserve national unity.

While pointing out that MCA will not compromise with anyone seeking to shake the foundation of the country, Liow urged Malaysians, particular­ly the Chinese, to stay united to stop the proposed amendments from being passed in Parliament.

Liow said MCA is not against Act 355, but is only opposing Hadi’s motion.

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