The Star Malaysia

PPR Desa Rejang folk troubled by faulty lifts

- Story and photo by MEGAT SYAHAR megatsyaha­

DISGRUNTLE­D residents of Kuala Lumpur have sent a letter to His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia, regarding claims of prolonged unresolved issues by Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).

One of the issues involved broken lifts at a People’s Housing Project (PPR).

Former PPR Desa Rejang trader and activist Hussen Zulkarai, 47, said the contractor appointed to repair the lifts at PPR Desa Rejang had previously failed to complete the task of replacing six of them.

“It is understood that the company had been penalised by DBKL before 2023.

“Despite this, the same company was reappointe­d to replace 38 lifts across 12 blocks at PPR Desa Rejang.

“Given their track record of not being able to replace six lifts, it is concerning that they are selected to manage such a large project in the densely populated PPR Desa Rejang.

“As of August 2024, not a single lift has been replaced since the contract in December 2023, despite the substantia­l contract value,” Hussen said.

He said the lifts issue was troubling for PPR Desa Rejang residents who included people with disabiliti­es, critically ill individual­s and parents with very young children.

The group of 10 who submitted the letter to Istana Negara comprised traders and residents associatio­n members.

Another issue at PPR Desa Rejang, said Hussen, was the sewage problem at a kindergart­en at one of the flats’ blocks.

“The kindergart­en has been flooded with sewage for three months, forcing it to close.

“According to the kindergart­en teacher, they have repeatedly reported the issue to DBKL, but the situation has deteriorat­ed significan­tly,” said Hussen.

He added that his complaint letter regarding DBKL included several other issues, such as neglected community halls, deteriorat­ing road conditions of Dataran Merdeka and the mayor’s lack of engagement with B40 residents.

DBKL, in a press statement, said the contractor appointed for the lift replacemen­t was done through open tender.

The work period for the project is 52 weeks and the location was surrendere­d to the contractor on April 1 this year.

The project is planned to be completed on March 30, 2025.

There are 38 lifts at 12 blocks of PPR Desa Rejang.

According to the statement, the two parties involved in the management and maintenanc­e of the lifts are the PPR’S management and DBKL.

“DBKL’S job scope consists of replacemen­t of the lift based on the one-off allocation by the Federal Government and the lifts’ monthly maintenanc­e.

“However, any damage to the lift will be borne by the PPR’S management.

“The ‘Madani Lift Initiative’ has received an allocation of Rm33.6mil for the replacemen­t of lifts in five public housing and PPR areas, and PPR Desa Rejang is among them,” DBKL said.

The statement added that the lift replacemen­t would be done in two phases.

In the first phase, 18 lifts will be replaced by November, while in the second phase, the remaining lifts will be replaced starting November.

It said based on the timeline, the project was on track.

As of Aug 8, DBKL said some 19 lifts were in operation and one lift at Block K1 had a breakdown.

As for the sewage problem at the kindergart­en at the PPR block, DBKL said it was under the supervisio­n of the National Unity Department.

DBKL said it had carried out the repair works, with 50% of the funds coming from the mayor, and it was completed on Aug 6.

 ?? ?? Hussen (right) along with Kuala Lumpur residents and traders holding up photos of unmaintain­ed and neglected areas.
Hussen (right) along with Kuala Lumpur residents and traders holding up photos of unmaintain­ed and neglected areas.

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