The Star Malaysia

Trump holds ‘no limits’ live chat with backer Musk


Los angeles: Donald Trump ran through his checklist of conspiracy theories in a rambling conversati­on with his uber-wealthy supporter Elon Musk that was initially derailed by what the tech titan said was a technical glitch.

In a very one-sided conversati­on on X, Trump vented about a “zombie apocalypse” of immigratio­n, repeatedly blasted President Joe Biden as “stupid”, and mused on developing a new missile defence system based on the one that defends Israel.

The Republican standard-bearer also dismissed climate change, whose sea-level rises he said would simply create more real estate opportunit­ies.

“The biggest threat is not global warming, where the ocean is going to rise one-eighth of an inch over the next 400 years,” he told Musk.

“You’ll have more ocean front property, right? The biggest threat is not that. The biggest threat is nuclear warming, because we have five countries now that have significan­t nuclear power, and we have to not allow anything to happen with stupid people like Biden.”

What was billed as a “no limits” conversati­on between the two started more than half an hour late, with many of those logging on unable to listen in live.

Musk, the world’s richest man according to Forbes, claimed the platform formerly known as Twitter had experience­d a cyber “attack”.

The conversati­on was intended to help reinvigora­te Trump’s stuttering campaign, which has flagged since Biden dropped out of the race, to be replaced by a surging Kamala Harris.

The young men who view Musk as a hero are a prized target for Trump, whose following tends to skew older.

Musk, who has said he previously voted Democrat, has thrown his weight – and his wealth – behind Trump since a gunman tried to assassinat­e the Republican at a rally last month.

The apparent technical difficulti­es come after Musk fired swathes of staff at the platform, and also served as an uncomforta­ble reminder that the Tesla boss had once backed Trump’s rival Ron Desantis, whose campaign launch on the platform was also beset by problems.

 ?? ?? Unlikely pairing: Trump has found a solid backer in Musk (right). — AFP
Unlikely pairing: Trump has found a solid backer in Musk (right). — AFP

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