The Star Malaysia

SMG crowned Top Media Employer

Terence: award a testament to our efforts in managing human resources


KUALA LUMPUR: Star Media Group (SMG) has been awarded the Top Media Employer Award by the KSI Strategic Institute for Asia-pacific during the National Human Resources Leadership Forum 2024.

The forum, co-organised by KSI and the Economic Club of Kuala Lumpur, aimed to serve as a platform for human resources experts to discuss emerging key workforce trends and challenges.

SMG Group People senior general manager Terence Raj, who received the award yesterday on behalf of the company, dedicated it to its management, human resources team and the employees.

“Winning this award is definitely a recognitio­n and testament to our efforts and our initiative­s in managing human resources and also rewarding human resources and attracting talent from the market in general,” he said.

Terence likened the award to a morale booster for the team to excel further.

“Of course, winning this award is also important for us in a sense that it helps set standards for our organisati­on,” he added.

He received the award from former chief justice Tun Zaki Azmi, who had earlier delivered a keynote address on governance, ethics and leadership.

In his speech, Zaki shared his experience of dealing with integrity issues throughout his career, starting from his time as a magistrate up to his assuming the top position of the judiciary.

“Integrity is not honesty alone, integrity is beyond that. If you’re tempted to do (bribery), it is important to know in your heart that the act is immoral and wrong.

“As leaders, you should not allow corruption to take place as the people look up to you,” said Zaki, who served as the chief justice from 2008 until 2011.

Other awards were also conferred during the one-day forum, including the Top Employers’ Excellence Award and Outstandin­g Human Resources Icon Leadership Award.

Among the recipients were Telekom Malaysia, AIA, Siemens Malaysia and Maybank.

Also present at the forum and award ceremony were KSI president Tan Sri Michael Yeoh and Economic Club of Kuala Lumpur chairman Datuk Seri Mohamed Iqbal Rawther.

 ?? — AZHAR MAHFOF/THE star ?? Proud moment: terence (second from right) receiving the award from Zaki as yeoh (left) and Mohamed Iqbal (right) look on during the national Human Resources Leadership Forum 2024 in Kuala Lumpur.
— AZHAR MAHFOF/THE star Proud moment: terence (second from right) receiving the award from Zaki as yeoh (left) and Mohamed Iqbal (right) look on during the national Human Resources Leadership Forum 2024 in Kuala Lumpur.

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