The Star Malaysia

When the glow of motherhood adds to beauty


FANS of Hong Kong actress Linda Chung have described her as the “prettiest pregnant woman” after seeing the latest photograph­s she posted online, Sin Chew Daily reported.

“she looks unbelievab­ly cool!” someone wrote in response to the profession­ally taken pictures seen on Instagram.

she was dressed in a denim jacket with a blouse which displayed her baby bump.

Many Internet users voiced their admiration for Chung, 38, who married a chiropract­or in 2015.

the couple, who have two children – six-year-old Kelly and fouryear-old Jared – announced in April that they are expecting a third child later this year.

Chung’s career in show business began after winning the Miss Chinese Internatio­nal pageant in 2005.

> the daily also reported that a fugitive on the run in China gave himself up to the police after he ran out of money for food.

Police officers found a man trying to flag their car down while on patrol in Guoyang county on sept 6.

the man claimed he had committed a crime in Yiwu, Zhejiang, and had run 800km to the north in Guoyang to evade the law.

But within three days, he spent all his cash on food and had to resort to eating cup noodles to survive.

After reflecting on his predicamen­t, he said he decided to surrender to the police.

Police identified the man, whose surname is He, as a suspect in a robbery in Yiwu.

they are now in the process of handing He over to Yiwu police.

Fortunatel­y for He, police made sure that he was fed during his time in detention.

> taiwanese actor Darren Wang caused quite a stir when he prepared bak kut teh – a Malaysian delicacy – and served it to his colleagues on the Chinese reality tv show Call Me by Fire, Sin Chew Daily reported.

Wang, 31, made the pork stew during a recent episode.

He offered it to his colleague Alec su and joked “you are my bak (meat) and I am your kut (bone) and we will never be apart”.

su was unable to come up with a reply.

After the episode aired, many fans speculated that Malaysian actress Joey Chua, who is rumoured to be dating Wang, had taught him how to prepare the dish.

 ?? ?? Gushing fans: Chung has been dubbed the ‘prettiest pregnant woman’ on social media.
Gushing fans: Chung has been dubbed the ‘prettiest pregnant woman’ on social media.

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