The Star Malaysia

Waiting to be doctors

Upskill while anticipati­ng housemansh­ip postings, graduates advised


SIX to 13 months – that’s the average waiting time for fresh medical graduates to be offered a grade UD41 housemansh­ip placement in the country.

Due to the time gap, many of these graduates end up holding part-time jobs, or doing charity work in the interim, said Universiti Malaya (UM) medical faculty deputy dean of undergradu­ate studies Prof Dr Muhammad Yazid Jalaludin.

“The jobs include working as research, clinic or pharmacy assistants, and temporary teachers,” he said.

He added that these graduates may also opt to study a non-clinical master’s degree such as in medical science and public health.

The scenario is backed by a study conducted on 114 UM medical graduates from the 2019 cohort.

According to the study, 45.6% of the graduates took on the role of assistants, either working on research projects or at clinics and pharmacies; while 6.1% became teachers, and 5.3% and 2.6% found jobs in the service and e-hailing industries, respective­ly.

In addition, 5.3% of the graduates pursued non-clinical master’s degrees, while close to 15% were unemployed.

Similar results turned up in a survey of 51 Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) medical graduates from the 2020 cohort.

The survey revealed that while 27.5% of the respondent­s were unemployed, 29.4% worked as research assistants, and 7.8% each took on roles as clinic assistants and as volunteers at Covid-19 vaccinatio­n centres.

Others fell into categories which included being volunteers at non-government­al organisati­ons, pharmacy assistants, tutors, caregivers, locum medical assistants, and workers in the service and e-hailing sectors.

Unlike their seniors, these medical graduates were not able to seek opportunit­ies for housemansh­ip training in Singapore – where only medical degrees from UM and UKM are recognised by its medical council, said Prof Yazid.

He shared that while the Singapore Medical Council accepted graduates from both universiti­es as house officers in the past, only medical officers have been recruited since 2017.

UKM medical faculty deputy dean of undergradu­ate studies Prof Dr Roslina Abdul Manap said the long waiting time for housemansh­ip placements could affect the confidence of young doctors with regard to their on-the-job performanc­e.

“There is anticipato­ry anxiety in the weeks leading up to the start of their housemansh­ip postings, and a lot of performanc­e anxiety once they start work.

“There is also the stress of being first-time workers, which entails dealing with logistics and personal arrangemen­ts like moving interstate and away from familiar support systems,” she added.

Prof Roslina, however, is confident that the orientatio­n and induction programmes run by the Health Ministry will help mitigate the anxiety of these house officers, and prepare them for their duties.

Among the concerns presented by the long waiting time for housemansh­ip training is the need for these graduates to start their education loan repayments.

While medical students at public universiti­es enjoy highly subsidised fees amounting to around RM15,000, those at private universiti­es – many relying on loans – have to pay up to RM500,000.

Addressing the repayment concerns, Prof Yazid said graduates have the option of applying for a deferment.

For the country to achieve developed nation status, Prof Roslina stressed on the need to create more opportunit­ies for training and specialisa­tion.

“Malaysia is currently facing a shortage of specialist­s with only four specialist­s to 10,000 citizens as of June 30, 2020, compared to the recommende­d average of 14 specialist­s to 10,000 citizens by the Organisati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t in 2018,” she said.

She added that the deficit is higher in rural areas and the eastern states of Malaysia, and is expected to increase even further if medical officers are unable to pursue their postgradua­te studies due to their contract status.

With declining fertility rates and rising life expectancy, Prof Roslina emphasised that Malaysia will soon become an ageing nation which requires more doctors, specialist­s and healthcare workers.

“We need to improve the doctor-population ratio and more so, the specialist-population ratio,” she said.

Both Prof Roslina and Prof Yazid urge medical graduates to use the waiting time to upskill themselves in other fields.

“Given the current uncertaint­ies in job security and career advancemen­t opportunit­ies, having an additional skill or qualificat­ion is seriously worth considerin­g to gain an advantage,” said Prof Roslina.

“Medical graduates should also find ways to continuous­ly update their medical knowledge, in preparatio­n for their work,” Prof Yazid said, adding that the number of UM medical graduates over the past decade hovers between 120 and 170 yearly.

Wong, 21, is a medical student at Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. He is a participan­t of the BRATS Young Journalist Programme run by The Star’s Newspaper-in-education (Starnie) team. Throughout the year-long programme, participan­ts aged between 14 and 22 from all across the country experience life as journalist­s, contributi­ng ideas, conducting interviews, and completing writing assignment­s. They get to earn bylines, attend workshops, and extend their social networks. To join Star-nie’s online youth community, go to

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 ??  ?? Prof Roslina: We need to improve the doctor-population ratio and more so, the specialist-population ratio.
Prof Roslina: We need to improve the doctor-population ratio and more so, the specialist-population ratio.
 ??  ?? Prof Yazid: the number of um medical graduates hovers between 120 and 170 yearly.
Prof Yazid: the number of um medical graduates hovers between 120 and 170 yearly.

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