The Star Malaysia

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WHILE Pfizer, Biontech and Johnson & Johnson have raised the strong probabilit­y for the need of an extra dose of vaccine to provide enough immunity against Covid-19 variants, Astrazenec­a says it is not yet sure whether a booster dose of its vaccine will be necessary for continued protection against the coronaviru­s.

As Astrazenec­a CEO Pascal Soriot explained on news channel CNBC recently, “There are two dimensions to this immunity – antibodies [which] decline over time, but the second, very important dimension of vaccinatio­n is the so-called T-cells. They tend to protect people against severe disease, but they also provide durability.

“With the technology we use, we have very high production of T-cells. We’re hoping we have a durable vaccine that protects for a long period of time. So whether we will need a third booster or not is not clear yet, only time will tell,” Soriot was quoted as saying.

T-cells are a type of white blood cell that stimulate antibody production and help combat virusinfec­ted cells. Antibodies prevent viruses from invading cells but don’t last as long as T-cells.

Soriot explained further that the only way to be sure whether booster shots would really be needed was to watch whether the vaccine’s efficacy declined over time.

In a new study funded by Pfizer and Biontech, findings showed that the effectiven­ess of their Covid-19 vaccine steadily declines over time, dropping to about 84% for vaccinated people about four to six months after getting their second dose.

It was reported that the study, which has yet to be peer reviewed, found the Pfizer-biontech vaccine’s effectiven­ess was strongest, at 96.2%, between one week and two months after receiving the second dose. It declined an average of 6% every two months, according to the study, which signed up more than 44,000 people across the United States and other countries. Planning to submit the data to US and European health regulators soon, Pfizer and Biontech said they hope to get the authorisat­ion for a booster dose of their Covid-19 vaccine there in the near future.

Data from Israel meanwhile shows that there is a waning of immunity for those who have been fully vaccinated with the PfizerBion­tech shots in the country. According to Israel’s Health Ministry, what used to be 100% effective against hospitalis­ation is now, after a six-month period, becoming low 90s and mid-to-high 80s.

About 57% of Israel’s 9.3 million population have been fully vaccinated.

It added that the PfizerBion­tech vaccine was just 39% effective in keeping people from getting infected by the contagious Delta variant in the country in recent weeks, but provided a strong shield against hospitalis­ation and more severe forms of the virus.

Hence, Israel announced that from today, it will start offering Pfizer-biontech booster shots to those over 60 who got their second jab at least five months ago.

To boost or not to boost

Other countries are also conducting efficacy studies of the Covid-19 vaccines administer­ed in their country.

In Thailand, a joint study between Thammasat University’s Faculty of Medicine and the National Centre for Genetic Engineerin­g and Biotechnol­ogy showed that antibody levels in people fully vaccinated with the Sinovac vaccine decline by half every 40 days.

As reported by the Bangkok Post, the study that looked at 500 fully vaccinated people found that vaccine efficacy within 60 days of the second Sinovac shot ranged between 60% and 70% against the original coronaviru­s strain, declining to about 50% in people who received their second dose after 60 days.

In Hong Kong, a University of Hong Kong study of 1,442 healthcare workers showed those who received the Pfizer-biontech vaccine had 10 times more antibodies than those vaccinated with Sinovac. It found those who received Sinovac reportedly had “similar or lower” levels of antibodies to those seen in Covid-19 patients who recovered from the disease.

The study published on July 16 in The Lancet Microbe journal said there could be a need for “alternativ­e strategies” for those given Sinovac.

“The difference in concentrat­ions of neutralisi­ng antibodies identified in our study could translate into substantia­l difference­s in vaccine effectiven­ess,” the researcher­s were quoted as saying in the South China Morning Post.

A study conducted in Chile, published recently in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed that Sinovac has an efficacy rate of 65.9% against Covid-19, is 87.5% effective at preventing hospitalis­ation and 86.3% effective at preventing death. However, it is reported that there is little data about its effectiven­ess against the Delta variant.

On Wednesday, Reuters reported that a lab study in China showed antibodies triggered by the Sinovac vaccine declined below a key threshold from around six months after a second dose for most recipients, but a third shot had a strong booster effect. According to the news agency, Chinese researcher­s reported the findings from a study of blood samples from healthy adults aged between 18 and 59 in a paper published on July 25, which has not been peer reviewed.

Among participan­ts who received two doses, two or four weeks apart, only 16.9% and 35.2% respective­ly still had neutralisi­ng antibodies above what researcher­s regard as a detectable threshold level six months after the second shot, the paper said.

Those readings were based on data from two cohorts involving more than 50 participan­ts each, while the study gave third doses of the vaccine or placebo to 540 participan­ts.

Researcher­s said it was unclear how the decrease in antibodies would affect the shot’s effectiven­ess, since scientists have yet to figure out precisely the threshold of antibody levels for a vaccine to be able to prevent Covid-19.

Apart from durable antibodies, other components in humans’ immune systems such as T-cells and B-cell memory elicited by the vaccine may also contribute to protection, researcher­s involved in the study said, although the study did not provide data on those factors.

“In the short to medium term, ensuring more people complete the current two-dose schedule of Sinovac vaccine should be the priority,” the paper said.

Participan­ts in some cohorts who received a third dose of the Sinovac shot about six months after the second showed around a three- to five-fold increase in antibody levels after a further 28 days, compared with the levels seen four weeks after the second shot.

On July 15, Chinese media outlet Caixin reported that the country is now considerin­g using an MRNA vaccine (similar to Pfizer-bioNtech’s) – jointly developed by China’s Fosun Pharma and German company Biontech – as a booster shot for those who have been fully inoculated with its inactivate­d-virus vaccines.

In Malaysia, the National Institutes of Health is conducting an antibody immune surveillan­ce programme to establish the efficacy of administer­ed vaccines and the level of reaction among the general public.

According to Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, Rm15mil has been allocated for the study by the Health Ministry’s medical research body, which, he said, “has a monitoring period of up to two years”.

“This programme is important for us to determine the levels of antibodies and neutralisi­ng antibodies among vaccine recipients in Malaysia and this can be found out through several means.

“One is determinin­g the level of seroconver­sion antibodies that increases and neutralise­s the SARSCOV-2 virus at eight different points of time across two years after the first dose.

“The second is determinin­g the level of reaction from the T-cell receptors and salivary antibodies towards SARS-COV-2 at three different points in time across three months among the general public who have received all types of vaccines, and to project the Covid-19 infection rate after vaccinatio­n,” he told Parliament on Thursday.

To mix or not to mix

Around the world, several ongoing studies are also investigat­ing the effects of mixing coronaviru­s shots.

News channel Al Jazeera reported that Oxford University’s ComCOV trial showed that mixed schedules involving the Pfizer-biontech and Astrazenec­a vaccines generated a strong immune response against the virus. The study, which involved more than 800 volunteers, investigat­ed the efficacy of either two doses of Astrazenec­a and Pfizer-biontech, or one of them followed by the other.

According to Al Jazeera, the results of the study suggest that the order of the vaccines makes a difference, with Astrazenec­a followed by Pfizer-biontech “inducing higher antibodies and T-cell responses than Pfizer-biontech followed by Astrazenec­a”.

The research also showed that two doses of Pfizer-biontech produced the highest level of antibodies. Both of the mixes generated better results than the still very effective two-dose Astrazenec­a vaccines, it said.

Another study in Spain in May involving more than 600 volunteers also found that an Astrazenec­a dose followed by a Pfizer-biontech one was more effective than two Astrazenec­a doses. In Germany, a third study also revealed that the immune response of mixing coronaviru­s doses was better than two Astrazenec­a shots and as good as or better than receiving two doses of the Pfizer-biontech vaccine.

No results from the studies have suggested that mixing leads to severe side effects. However, experts say there is a lack of sufficient clinical data to fully determine whether mixing is effective.

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