The Star Malaysia

Cranking up the volume

There are many ways to draw attention, but some politician­s only seem to know the trite methods.


THE special five-day sitting of the Dewan Rakyat was meant for Members of Parliament to express their views on how best to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic.

It was also an opportunit­y to hear and grill certain ministers about what they have or haven’t been doing.

The takeaway from those five days indicates that Parliament was overshadow­ed by other issues. And the uncouth behaviour of some MPS leaves much to be desired.

It’s always the same recalcitra­nt few whose attention-seeking antics include name calling, shouting, taking aggressive stances and heckling. Perhaps their legion of supporters enjoys such theatrics, or maybe those politician­s needed to release some steam since the Dewan Rakyat hadn’t convened for a while.

Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they needed to be loud to gain the attention of the Speaker, who has been accused of being biased and not giving sufficient time for MPS to speak.

They are not alone. There was one senior backbenche­r who suddenly blurted out something about a “pesta arak” (liquor party) without being able to substantia­te his claim. Don’t even talk about the “probok probok” MP.

For many Malaysians who were hoping or naively believing their representa­tives could speak intelligen­tly on issues relating to managing Covid-19 and how we should prepare to re-open the country, they were stunned to learn how wrong they were.

Many MPS who spoke were more interested in addressing the status of the Emergency laws, which is when Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan threw a curve ball by announcing that they had been revoked.

That blindsided the nation, and given the seriousnes­s of the issue, we’d expect such news to be given greater importance, not delivered so nonchalant­ly.

The Law Minister’s bombshell provided the opportunit­y for the Opposition to bang on the subject.

Yes, of course it’s an important Constituti­onal issue, but by then, the Covid-19 agenda faded away and appeared relegated.

Lawyer MPS were suddenly discussing points of law and provisions of the Constituti­on, forgetting that while they are lawmakers, the Dewan Rakyat isn’t a courtroom.

Takiyuddin has now found himself in a quagmire because the Yang dipertuan Agong has put on record that he is “greatly disappoint­ed” that the six Emergency Ordinances were rescinded without his consent.

To put it succinctly, the King has said that he has yet to consent to the revocation.

The government’s reply, quoting the Federal Constituti­on, explained that the Cabinet decided to advise the King to revoke the Emergency Ordinances, and that he must accept its advice as outlined under Article 14 of the Federal

Constituti­on. Basically, the government is saying it has advised the King and that the power remains with the Prime Minister and Cabinet, implying the Cabinet doesn’t need His Majesty’s consent.

As with any interpreta­tion of the law, depending on who you talk to and what you want to believe to suit your political allegiance, it can go either way.

However, the relationsh­ip between the government and the Rulers may no longer be the same, at least for the time being.

Worse still, the impression given is that the government is afraid of a debate or insinuatin­g that it has lost its majority.

The strong choice of words used in the King’s statement is almost unpreceden­ted and very unusual. Palace announceme­nts are usually not so direct and blunt.

But even before the press statement was issued, those close to royalty had heard private remarks and comments that feelings had been hurt.

The current standoff hasn’t developed into a Constituti­onal crisis, although some lawmakers seem to be rooting for it. However, that’s the last thing Malaysia needs now.

I believe our institutio­ns are aware that Malaysia needs to be on track again.

While the Covid-19 pandemic has led to pressing health and economic problems, many countries don’t also have the political jeopardy of an unstable government with a wafer-thin majority.

The present political predicamen­t can’t continue. The government is regarded as a backdoor one because it took an unconventi­onal way of forming.

Never mind if it was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who opened the door – in a perplexing way – for Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to come in, but the reality is that issues of mandate and legitimacy will continue to nag the PM.

The only way is to hold a general election, but certainly not now. Let’s get our act together by expediting vaccinatio­ns and achieving herd immunity first.

After that, the politician­s can fight as much as they want to. They can kill each other for all we care, but don’t reel the rakyat in to help you get into power or remain there.

Following the Sabah elections débâcle of causing a spike in Covid19 cases, we don’t want the electorate to be your sacrifice to fulfil your selfish political ambitions. Spare us the drivel of wanting to serve us, please.

But still, let’s give credit where it’s due. While most MPS, especially the alpha egoistic males, were keener to trade barbs in Parliament, a few showed that they could put aside political difference­s and speak rationally.

Bangi MP Ong Kian Ming, Permatang Pauh MP Nurul Izzah and minister Khairy Jamaluddin certainly provided hope and optimism for many of us who have begun to lose faith in our politician­s, especially the ageing ones who still can’t leave the stage.

Ong is currently aiding Khairy in the vaccinatio­n programme in Selangor and his bipartisan approach of Opposition and government working together is a good start.

In fact, the government should have adopted this strategy last year, but better late than never.

In an interview, he revealed his role in helping advise the government on opening certain parts of the economy as vaccinatio­n keeps more people safe, and exuded confidence in the government’s vaccinatio­n programme working well.

As former Treasury secretaryg­eneral Tan Sri Mohd Sheriff Kassim said, Ong showed he is not interested in demonising anyone and that it’s highly commendabl­e he didn’t play politics at this time of national crisis.

The DAP leader has also taken to social media to correct misinforma­tion about the supply and sale of Sinovac in Malaysia. He also shared his knowledge about factories hit by Covid-19 in Selangor, pointing out that many of the infections transpired at workers’ quarters and not necessaril­y on factory premises.

Nurul provided good suggestion­s on how the country can deal with the pandemic and cited examples, saying cases may multiply if the government rashly eases movement restrictio­ns solely based on vaccinatio­n coverage.

She noted the emergence of more infectious variants in the country, besides quoting experience­s in Britain and Iceland that saw cases spike in recent weeks, despite having vaccinated more than 60% of their population­s with at least one dose of coronaviru­s vaccine.

Khairy has also been commended for his comprehens­ive presentati­on, delivered in a confident and assertive manner. He was able to answer every question raised by the MPS later.

But Malaysia is in deep trouble. It’s time for Malaysians, especially the politician­s, to stay above politics. There is a time for everything and right now, it’s about saving lives and jobs.

We need to restore confidence among the people and investors. The change must come from the heart of the nation. Malaysians hope our MPS will rise above partisan politics.

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