The Star Malaysia

‘No more delaying Serendah school’


MORE than 20 primary school pupils and their parents staged a peaceful protest demanding the government address the delay in constructi­ng a Tamil school in Serendah, Selangor, Tamil dailies reported.

Jeeva Muthiah, who heads the action committee trying to get the school built, said land for the school’s constructi­on had been identified and the funds allocated under the previous administra­tion.

He, however, said the constructi­on of the school remains a dream for the Indian community in the area.

More than 100 children from Indian families in the area are currently attending schools about 10km and 15km away from Serendah.

Jeeva said that because of the distance, the pupils have to leave at 5am every day, which is tiring for them.

> Aid workers in Tamil Nadu, India, who were collecting donations and supplies for Cyclone Gaja victims were shocked when a beggar handed them all the loose change he had on his plate, Tamil Nesan reported.

They were collecting supplies in the Sivagangai district when a beggar approached them.

The man handed all the money he had to one of the workers before walking away without a word. They were stunned by the beggar’s generosity.

Cyclone Gaja had hit the southern states hard, especially Tamil Nadu, with up to 45 fatalities and 200,000 displaced people.

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