The Star Malaysia

Wee: Look after the people’s interest in new Chinese schools issue


PETALING JAYA: Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong wants to meet the Education Minister and his deputy on the issue of 10 new Chinese primary schools and the relocation of six others.

The MCA deputy president said on Facebook that he is prepared to meet them at a time that suits them best. He also provided his mobile number in the post.

“We can discuss the issue on the basis that ‘people’s interests are greater than party interests’,” he said.

Last month, Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik said the constructi­on of the new Chinese primary schools, approved by the Barisan Nasional administra­tion, would be axed due to financial constraint­s.

The “10+ 6” schools were announced on Oct 26 last year by then Education Minister Mahdzir Khalid in a press conference attended by MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Dr Wee and Gerakan president Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong.

On Facebook, Dr Wee urged Dr Maszlee to prove the existence of a “political agenda” in the decision to construct the schools.

He added that the developmen­t of Chinese education needed the collaborat­ion between the Government, the Opposition, community groups and the rakyat.

Yesterday, Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching said on her first day at work that Dr Maszlee had entrusted her with the task of meeting with Dr Wee.

According to China Press, she said the schools would still be built but the locations would be reviewed.

“Some highly populated states, such as Penang, did not get even one new Chinese school, while some of these new Chinese schools would be built near existing schools with low student numbers.

“To us, these locations are not strategic,” she said.

Teo said besides Dr Wee, she would also meet representa­tives from the United Chinese School Committees’ Associatio­n of Malaysia and the United Chinese School Teachers’ Associatio­n of Malaysia on the issue.

“Former Deputy Education Minister Datuk Chong Sin Woon is welcome to attend the meeting together with Dr Wee,” she said.

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