The Star Malaysia

‘Aceh cannot introduce beheading as punishment’


Jakarta: The central government has warned the Aceh provincial administra­tion against its plan to introduce beheading as a punishment for murder, saying that such a form of capital punishment could not be introduced under bylaws.

The introducti­on of beheading, a punishment known as Qisas, or “retributiv­e justice”, under Islamic law, is said to be under considerat­ion by the Aceh administra­tion, which believes it could create a deterrent effect to murder.

Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna Laoly said the only form of capital punishment stipulated in the country’s Criminal Code was execution by firing squad, carried out under the order of the Attorney- General’s Office.

“The Criminal Code is higher because it is a national law and a bylaw cannot regulate (capital punishment). There is a limitation on the drafting of punishment­s in bylaws,” Yasonna told reporters on Thursday.

Aceh, the only province in the Muslim-majority country governed by Islamic law or syariah, has frequently made internatio­nal headlines for carrying out public canings of alleged adulterers, homosexual people and gamblers.

Local authoritie­s said the plan was still being considered and was yet to be drafted into law.

Human rights NGO Amnesty Internatio­nal has lambasted the plan.

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