The Star Malaysia

Report: Trump to oust security adviser McMaster


Washington: US President Donald Trump has decided to sack National Security Adviser HR McMaster (pic), in what would be the latest in a string of high-profile White House departures,

The Washington Post reported.

The newspaper said that Trump is discussing potential replacemen­ts for McMaster, but is willing to take his time because he wants to avoid humiliatin­g him as well as to have a successor ready.

White House spokesman Sarah Sanders said that there were no changes at the National Security Council, a response that avoided the issue of whether any were being planned.

“Just spoke to @POTUS and Gen. H.R. McMaster – contrary to reports they have a good working relationsh­ip and there are no changes at the NSC,” Sanders wrote on Twitter.

The Post said that some in the White House were hesitant to remove McMaster until he had “a promotion to four-star rank or other comfortabl­e landing spot”.

While Trump reportedly wants to avoid humiliatin­g McMaster, that did not appear to have been a particular­ly high priority when he removed secretary of state Rex Tillerson two days ago, a move he announced on Twitter.

A top aide said Tillerson did not speak to the president before his firing was announced and was not given a reason for his dismissal.

Tillerson’s sacking came less than two weeks after Trump’s top economic adviser Gary Cohn quit in protest against the president’s decision to levy tariffs on imported steel and aluminium.

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