The Star Malaysia

Aussie opposition scoffs at ‘Kiwis under the bed’ plot


Sydney: Australia’s opposition Labor Party rejected extraordin­ary claims from the country’s top diplomat that it conspired with New Zealand leftists to try to topple the government.

Labor’s Penny Wong accused Foreign Minister Julie Bishop of “a Kiwis-under-the-bed scare campaign” to divert attention from government woes, invoking anti-communist “Reds under the beds” fears of the Cold War.

“This sort of behaviour, I don’t think is particular­ly good for democracy,” Wong said yesterday.

The internatio­nal spat stems from Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce’s revelation this week that he was a New Zealand citizen, meaning he may be forced to step down under rules barring dual nationals from sitting in Australia’s parliament.

That would be a disaster for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s conservati­ve government, which only holds a one-seat majority.

Officials in Wellington said Joyce’s status came to light after queries from Australian journalist­s.

However, New Zealand Labour MP Chris Hipkins also admitted asking questions about the issue last week after talks with an Australian acquaintan­ce, since revealed as Wong’s chief of staff Marcus Ganley.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Ganley’s involvemen­t showed Wong was “up to her neck in it”, along with Labor leader Bill Shorten. She stood by an allegation made Tuesday that the New Zealand and Australian opposition parties were trying to “undermine the government of Australia”, even suggesting the plot could be global.

“I’d like to know if Bill Shorten is directing his troops to ask these questions in other parliament­s around the world?” she told Sky News.

Wong conceded her staff member’s actions were unwise but said they amounted to “a chat with a mate (Hipkins)” rather than a secretive attempt to bring down the government.

“That Bishop can seriously suggest that there is some act of treason is ridiculous,” she said.

Wong said Bishop’s “extraordin­arily reckless and irresponsi­ble” accusation­s risked straining relations with New Zealand, one of Australia’s closest allies.

New Zealand’s centre-right Prime Minister Bill English said Bishop’s comments were made “in the heat of the moment”.

“Look, I can understand why they’d take it seriously over there, she’s in a government with a majority of one,” he told reporters.

“But we wouldn’t want to let those comments get in the way of a positive relationsh­ip.” — AFP

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