The Star Malaysia

All set for battle


THE moment everyone has been preparing for is almost here.

The champions of each state challenge in both the lower secondary and upper secondary categories will represent their respective states in the grand finals of the RHB-The Star Mighty Minds National Challenge 2015 to be held at Cititel Mid Valley, Kuala

Questions Lumpur on Oct 3. This year, teams in both

National the lower and upper secondary categories will have the use of a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet for a period of two weeks prior to the challenge.

The tablets will be delivered to the teacher in charge by early next week.

Now in its seventh year, the competitio­n is jointly organised by Star Media Group Berhad (formerly known as Star Publicatio­ns (Malaysia) Berhad) and RHB Banking Group.

Teams in the lower secondary category have the hands-on challenge where they design a model based on a given theme below.

But teams in the upper secondary category will not have the hands-on challenge as done in previous years. Instead the teams will use a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet to prepare a digital presentati­on to show case their ideas for an original, innovative mobile/tablet applicatio­n that addresses the theme. The presentati­on should detail the journey of developing the applicatio­n and its unique features. Presentati­ons can be in the form of a short video, a series of slides, or any other digital format.

Lower Secondary Category

Teaching young Malaysians to handle money and create wealth for themselves, their families and communitie­s is vital in our quest in becoming an advanced nation.

Theme: RHB Land - The world’s first banking-themed adventure park, as an informativ­e, interactiv­e platform designed to teach young Malaysians about financial planning, investment and the sharing of wealth.

Teams will be given 90 minutes to build an original, innovative model in response to the theme.

Each team will be provided with a standard tool kit containing the following: 2 pairs of scissors, 1 pen knife, 1 tube of superglue, 1 tube of common glue, 1 roll of masking tape, 1 roll of cellophane tape, 1 roll of double-sided tape, 1 long ruler, 1 screwdrive­r and 3 pairs of gloves.

Each team will be provided with simple, economical and disposal materials that may be used to construct the model. Materials that may be provided include: Mounting board, manila paper, coloured paper, elastic bands, popsicle sticks, empty mineral water bottle (500ml), small plastic container with lid, square of fabric, piece of netting , large egg tray, paper clips, short length of string, straws, compact disc, beads, balloons, plastic bricks, chopsticks, short length of rubber hose and small LED light.

In addition, each team will be provided with a sum of RM100, to be used to purchase materials at suggested retailers on-site on the morning of the event.

Teams will have the use of a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet for a period of two weeks prior to the challenge that they should use as an additional presentati­on tool. The prepared digital presentati­on must be submitted on a thumb-drive, and the tablet returned at registrati­on, on Oct 2.

Each team will be given three minutes to present their model and pre-prepared digital presentati­on to the panel of judges.

The presentati­ons will be judged based on the following:

• How well the team has understood the theme and its impact on society.

• How innovative the concept is.

• The extent to which the team has incorporat­ed mathematic­al, scientific and environmen­tal principles into the concept.

• The potential benefits and marketabil­ity of the concept.

• The skill with which the model has been built and/or digital presentati­on has been crafted.

• The skill with which the concept has been presented.

• The extent to which the budget has been managed and building materials utilised.

Upper Secondary Category

Many Malaysians, educated before the introducti­on of computers, are struggling with daily financial, administra­tive and social interactio­ns that have become increasing­ly supported by digital technology.

An interface is required between the industrial and digital systems that will allow the elderly to remain independen­t and engaged, confident that the privacy, security and accessibil­ity of their daily activities are enhanced, rather than compromise­d in this digital age.

Theme: Breaking Down Barriers – Engaging an ageing population in an increasing­ly digital, financial world.

Teams will have the use of a Microsoft Surface 3 tablet for a period of two weeks prior to the challenge that they should use to prepare a digital presentati­on to show case their ideas for an original, innovative mobile/tablet applicatio­n that addresses the theme.

The presentati­on should detail the journey of developing the applicatio­n and its unique features. Presentati­ons can be in the form of a short video, a series of slides, or any other digital format.

Each team will be given five minutes to present their concept to the panel of judges and should be prepared to answer questions from the judges.

The prepared digital presentati­on must be submitted on a thumb-drive, and the tablet returned at registrati­on, on Oct 2.

The presentati­ons will be judged based on the following:

• How well the team has understood the theme and its impact on society.

• How innovative the concept is.

• The extent to which the team has incorporat­ed mathematic­al, scientific and environmen­tal principles into the concept.

• The potential benefits and marketabil­ity of the concept.

• The skill with which the digital presentati­on has been crafted.

• The skill with which the concept has been presented.

this year, RHB may engage with the finalists who best represent RHB’s missions to promote financial literacy and ensure the inclusion of all sectors of society in modern banking methods, to further develop their model into a digital tool. this opportunit­y is provided solely at RHB’s discretion. For further details or enquiries, e-mail

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