The Star Malaysia

How to lose to terror

Countries supposedly fighting Da’ish (Islamic State) militants can begin to succeed only if they can acknowledg­e their weaknesses and errors, which still seems unlikely.

- > Bunn Nagara is a Senior Fellow at the Institute of Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies (ISIS) Malaysia.

THE sordid trail of death and destructio­n perpetrate­d by so-called Islamic State or Da’ish militants continues to grow longer and bloodier.

Reports of more threats, attacks and beheading of hostages, random prisoners and those simply refusing to conform grow in number and detail.

At the same time, official rhetoric against such barbaritie­s is cranked up between global capitals. The only effect seems to be just more of the same.

A tragic sense of surreal doom envelopes all that Da’ish touches. However, the fault and the flaw are not Da’ish’s alone, but shared at both ends of the spectrum.

At one end is ad-Dawlah al-Islamiyah fi al-’Iraq wash-Sham, or Da’ish, the militant extremist group with pretension­s to a global caliphate. It was first known in English as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or al-Sham), then as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, and finally as just Islamic State.

At the other, supposedly distant end is a loose global community of nations led mostly by the United States, the sole superpower with the world’s biggest economy and strongest armed forces.

Yet despite all of the latter’s warnings, pledges and plans, Da’ish continues to grow in power and influence, seemingly unimpeded. What exactly is happening?

Several criteria may be used to gauge the political strength of a movement or government: the territory it directly controls or influences, the effectiven­ess of its rule, the number of supporters it enjoys and the internal cohesivene­ss of its organisati­on.

Da’ish scores highly on all these fronts, surpassing previously known terrorist groups on such standard performanc­e criteria. It was also reportedly deprived of al-Qaeda affiliatio­n for surpassing everyone else on graphic brutality.

The al-Qaeda of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri was supposed to be the ultimate terrorist organisati­on of the 21st century. Now that seems such a long time ago.

Even at its supposed height, al-Qaeda could not claim to control any identifiab­le territory. Its roving fighters inhabited desolate caves, always on the run, their communicat­ions tenuous, with Osama himself in hiding.

But as a fighting force, Da’ish militants appear far more impressive.

They could face down the enemy, even when outnumbere­d, and triumph. They enjoyed a warm camaraderi­e and a cool confidence not found in other terrorist groups.

They could take over towns and cities in several countries and then hold and administer them. They operate oil fields and other enterprise­s for revenues to fund on-going operations.

Their geographic­al spread is steady and systematic, taking over ground conceded by government forces. Besides territory in Iraq and Syria, they continue to spread their wings to Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

Da’ish enjoys pledges of allegiance from various terrorist groups and individual­s around the world. Its recruitmen­t drive equals or exceeds those of other entities, whether terrorist group or government force.

Meanwhile, several of the world’s best-endowed government­s have spent considerab­le time and effort in voicing disgust, expressing disquiet and promising action against Da’ish’s string of atrocities.

Government officials have invested heavily in briefings and seminars between their speeches. Some patchy support work by several NGOs or CSOs has been aimed at an otherwise vulnerable public open to Da’ish influence.

The US alone has launched well over 2,000 air strikes purportedl­y targeting Da’ish fighters, particular­ly their leaders. But despite US official claims of success, the actual results are not verifiable.

The larger picture remains one of an advancing transnatio­nal Da’ish force, retreating government forces in West Asia and North Africa, and ineffectua­l efforts by the rest of the world to stem the tide.

There have been particular “high points” of Da’ish performanc­e and luck. These add to its mystique and stature, further boosting its image and recruiting appeal.

Such moments include last June’s travesty in Mosul when some 30,000 Iraqi troops facing just 800 Da’ish fighters turned tail and ran. That left the militants free to loot a huge army store of weapons, empty the city’s banks of some RM1.5bil in cash and release hundreds of prisoners.

Another incident that wowed government forces and added to Da’ish’s allure was the raid on the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli in January. The complex and sophistica­ted operation impressed Libyan authoritie­s and earned more bragging rights for Da’ish.

In meeting the Da’ish challenge, a government’s success or failure may be regarded in several respects: psychologi­cal, tactical, military and political. In all these respects, government failure is far more evident than success.

Among the psychologi­cal setbacks for government­s is the group’s name itself: “Islamic State”. This lends further credence to the group, rightly called Da’ish instead, in its claims and pretension­s to operate as an alternativ­e country or state.

The group led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi communicat­es in Arabic rather than English, calling itself Da’ish or the complete name in Arabic. It is therefore inexplicab­le that the internatio­nal media, in particular the Western media, continue to call it “Islamic State.”

The broad tactical failure of government­s and the internatio­nal status quo generally is to think nothing of having videos of Da’ish atrocities freely available everywhere. Even without restrictio­ns on the Internet, some expression of concern would not have been out of place.

Time was when al-Qaeda’s videos had very limited distributi­on, while Aljazeera Arabic was routinely criticised for airing them. Such videos, whether of boring speeches or bloody beheading, are still propaganda material but they have now become readily available.

The military setback that government­s confrontin­g Da’ish face is the standard tactical asymmetry between state and non-state forces. As a terrorist group, Da’ish uses guerilla tactics with even fewer inhibition­s than guerilla armies, while state forces remain bogged down by regular army tactics and training.

The closest that government­s get in fighting Da’ish on its own terms is through special forces operations. But special forces units are limited in size and number, with difficulti­es blending into the environmen­t to fight on the ground albeit in clandestin­e form.

Bombing alleged targets from the air at a distance is safer, without any guaranteed degree of success. Invariably, these targets will include civilian population­s, thereby turning aggrieved local population­s into fertile recruiting ground for Da’ish.

The political setback in fighting Da’ish involves the split among Arab countries over it. While some are determined to exterminat­e these terrorists, others have been supporting them in various ways.

This is the dilemma US strategist­s face in daily operations. The challenge covers a general lack of cooperatio­n and trust as well as uncertaint­y over issues like intelligen­ce sharing and logistics, since leaks can lead directly to Da’ish itself.

Elsewhere, the endless talk of developing an urgent counter-narrative to Da’ish’s deviationi­sm is inversely proportion­al to the work of actually developing such a counter-narrative. Little had been done on that score, even as Da’ish continues to make great strides forward.

Despite all their huddles, government­s are also far behind in the use of psychologi­cal warfare in tackling Da’ish. For whatever reason, the vital element of psywar is conspicuou­s by its internatio­nal absence.

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