The Star Malaysia

Heart and soul resolution­s

Something simple and meaningful can make a real difference in somebody’s life.

- by SOO EWE JIN Soo Ewe Jin ( my) is mindful of the power of random acts of kindness because he has had many experience­s of being both a giver and a receiver. He thanks readers especially for their lovely letters of encouragem­ent after

OKAY. It’s that time of the year when columnists like us are granted the licence to offer some New Year resolution­s to others. We can be serious, or we can be funny. But the reality is that few people will take our suggestion­s seriously unless they strike a chord within us.

In the spirit of this column, which draws on many real-life experience­s I go through myself, I would like to offer 10 resolution­s that are up to us, as individual­s, to fulfil. They do not depend on others doing their part first. The power, as we say, rests solely in our hands.

1. Watch the sunrise outside your house: Yes, the sun rises each morning, wherever you may be. You don’t need the backdrop of an emerald sea or snow-capped mountains to watch this remarkable event. You just have to wake up early and step outside. And as you watch the colours change hues, you will be reminded that every new day brings forth blessings, and you will be thankful. And, yes, the sunsets are just as great.

2. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say nothing at all: These are the wise words of Thumper the rabbit in the Disney classic, Bambi. Remind yourself that careless words can and do hurt people’s feelings. And, please, don’t begin a statement with, “I do not mean to be racist but….”

3. Write a thank you letter or note: Even if your writing, like mine, is barely legible these days, a handwritte­n note posted to someone will definitely be appreciate­d amidst the bills and junk mail we get in the postbox daily. And while you are at it, leave a thank you note for your postman as well.

4. Treat your body with gentle loving care: Go to the gym or spa if there is one nearby. Those of you who live in gated communitie­s and high-end condos should make use of the facilities you already paid for. Or just take a walk in a nearby park. Take a break from Candy Crush and play a real game of tennis. Take periodic retreats to the nearby hill stations where the air is clean and the noise of the world can be left behind.

5. Pick up the trash: If you see litter, don’t just mumble that people lack civic consciousn­ess these days. Pick it up and place it in the bin. Your example may just inspire others to do likewise.

6. Switch off that smartphone for a day: It’s okay not to bring the phone along when you go for dinner. There is really no need to take pictures of every dish you order. And while selfie is a recognised word in the English dictionary, don’t go overboard. Just remember how Michelle looked like when Obama got so carried away with the Danish prime minister.

7. Pay someone’s bill: This is not as difficult as it seems. If you know a friend uses prepaid (and normally the “poorer” friends are the ones who do so), you can use your online banking account and top up the phone for her. She will be most pleasantly surprised when she gets the SMS that says RM60 has been loaded onto her phone and she does not have a clue who did it. A toll ticket, a cup of coffee, or even a full dinner bill can be quietly settled for total strangers if you are prepared to do so.

8. Go to a nursing home, a dialysis centre or a cancer support centre: Even if you regularly send monetary support to worthy charities, take time to visit these places yourselves. Your encounters with patients, caregivers, volunteers and home workers will give a fresh dimension to how you view life.

9. Make a promise to spend time with someone and keep it: Don’t just say, “we’ll catch up sometime” and forget about it. A dear friend told me once, when we were attending a funeral service, that flowers should be sent to the living while they can still smell them. Start making arrangemen­ts for those “let’s have a cuppa” days so that you can spend time with loved ones amidst the sweet aroma of brewed coffee.

10. Say thanks to the “forgotten” folk: There are many people we tend to take for granted. Just look around your office and ask yourself who keeps the office clean, who takes out the rubbish, who delivers the internal mail… And likewise in the home, in the neighbourh­ood, and even in the places ofworship we go to. Be thankful, and learn to say thanks. >

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