The Star Malaysia

Govt to curb sexual assaults against kids


BEIJING: The government is asking schools to educate children on selfprotec­tion against sexual assaults and tighten the review of their teachers’ credential­s after a spate of sexual assault cases shocked the nation.

The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Public Security, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China and the All-China Women’s Federation jointly issued guidelines on the prevention of sexual assaults against children.

The guidelines said campaigns mustbe launched to educate parents on how to protect their children, to raise awareness among children, and to tell victims how to seek help.

Dormitorie­s must be strictly managed and there must be patrols on the campuses, the authoritie­s said.

School principals, teachers and support staff must have the required qualificat­ions, and schools must include ethics into training programmes for their staff, according to the guidelines.

The CYLC will start awareness campaigns through the 12355 hotline for children, and offer consultati­ons to children by community workers, lawyers and volunteers.

The women’s federation will promote awareness of sexual assault prevention for girls, especially those girls left behind by their migratoryw­orker parents.

China has seen multiple reports of teachers molesting or raping students recently.

A 62-year-old primary school teacher was detained by police in July on suspicion of molesting seven girls and infecting them with venereal diseases, according to media reports.

On June 25, a school principal was sentenced to 18 years in jail for raping and molesting girls in Qianshan County in east China’s Anhui Province. — Xinhua

 ??  ?? Tourists visiting the old town of Lijiang, the southwest’s Yunnan Province. Lijiang is renowned for its 800-year-old townlet that has been listed as the world cultural heritage by the Unesco. — Xinhua
Tourists visiting the old town of Lijiang, the southwest’s Yunnan Province. Lijiang is renowned for its 800-year-old townlet that has been listed as the world cultural heritage by the Unesco. — Xinhua

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