The Star Malaysia

Teacher in sex scandal

Mother of two admits to illicit affair with 15-year-old student


A SECONDARY school teacher has pleaded guilty to two charges of having sex with a student.

The 32-year-old married mother of two and the 15-year-old boy cannot be named as there is a gag order.

A district court heard on Wednesday that the accused became close to the student after they, together with some students, attended a camp and was involved in a boating accident overseas last October.

Traumatise­d, the victim began to confide in the accused through text messages and counsellin­g sessions.

Over time, they began developing intimate feelings for one another.

They began to date in early December but kept their illicit relationsh­ip secret.

They kept in touch via Facebook and she also kept a journal, religiousl­y penning her thoughts and feelings, expressing her love for him and “updating’’ him on her daily activities. She presented the journal to him as a Christmas gift.

On Dec 31 last year, she took him to her flat where she performed oral sex on him. The following month, they had sex there. Their illicit affair came to light when the victim’s parents confronted the boy in early February.

Seven other charges will be considered when she is sentenced on Oct 29.

The prosecutio­n is seeking 12 months on each charge, the maximum being 10 years and a fine each.

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