The Star Malaysia

Northkorea remains defiant

Pyongyang rejects calls to stop satellite launch seen as missile test


Pyongyang reiterated its commitment to launching a satellite in the face of protests by neighbours.

SEOUL: North Korea reiterated its commitment to launching a satellite in the face of protests by its neighbours and the US, who view the move as a disguised missile test.

The North announced on Friday it would launch a long-range rocket carrying a satellite between April 12-16 to mark the 100th anniversar­y of the birth of its founding president Kim Il-sung.

Pyongyang insists the programme is part of peaceful space research, and yesterday railed against the “double standards” of the US, which with other nations believe it is effectivel­y a missile test.

The US, Japan, South Korea and the EU said the plan, announced just 16 days after Pyongyang agreed to suspend long-range missile tests in return for the US food aid, would breach a UN ban imposed after previous missile launches.

But the North’s state-run KCNA yesterday called the criticism “a base move ... to encroach upon our sovereignt­y” and accused the US and Japan of “space espionage” by monitoring other nations with their own satellites.

“Explicitly speaking, no one can tolerate the double yardstick and double standards in the issue of satellite manufactur­e and launch,” KCNA said in a statement.

It also criticised “hostile forces” including Washington, Tokyo and Seoul of using the planned satellite launch to heap “political, military and economic pressure” on Pyongyang.

“No one has the right to take issue with the DPRK (North Korea)’s projected satellite launch this or that way,” it said, adding that its neighbours are “sadly mistaken” if they believe the North would cancel the launch.

The launch by the impoverish­ed but nuclear-armed North is set to jeopardise a Feb 29 agreement with Washington, which had raised hopes of eased tension under the new leader Kim Jong-un.

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