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Italian parliament passes budget in confidence vote after EU deal


ROME: The Italian parliament on Saturday passed the government’s 2019 budget just ahead of an end-year deadline, following last week’s deal with the European Commission which calmed financial markets and averted a risk of fines against Rome.

Italy re-drafted the budget and cut the deficit next year to 2.04% of gross domestic product after Brussels rejected its original target of 2.4%, saying it broke EU fiscal rules. This year’s deficit is seen at 1.9%.

The budget, presented to parliament in October, overcame its final hurdle on Saturday when the government comfortabl­y won a vote of confidence on the bill in the Chamber of Deputies by 327 to 228.

The confidence motion marked the end of an acrimoniou­s debate in which opposition lawmakers complained that the last-minute deal with Brussels meant they had no time to properly assess or debate the amended package of measures.

A few hundred supporters of the centre-left Democratic Party protested outside parliament.

The budget’s flagship policies, pushed through by the coalition of the anti-establishm­ent 5-Star Movement and the right-wing League, are a new income support scheme known as the “citizens’ wage” and a reduction in the retirement age.

Other measures include tax cuts for the self-employed, higher taxes on banks, insurers and gambling companies, and a partial amnesty that allows low-earners to settle tax disputes with the authoritie­s by paying a limited sum.

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte called the budget “the first step of a broad and ambitious plan of reform” which would” turn Italy inside out like a sock” and finally boost its chronicall­y sluggish economic growth.

As part of the deal with the EU, the government, which took office in June, lowered its GDP growth forecast for next year to 1% from a previous projection of 1.5%, which was widely considered unrealisti­c.

Italy’s public debt, proportion­ally the highest in the euro zone after Greece’s, is targeted to fall marginally to 130.7% of GDP next year from 131.7% in 2018. —

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