The Star Malaysia - StarBiz

Post-truth or Alt-future?


laws of nature. There is always an element of uncertaint­y, which means that truths about human behaviour, especially its predictabi­lity, is always subjective, never fully objective.

We are living in an “post-truth” age, because the newly-elected leader of the United States, the dominant global economy, is quite economical with his facts, opinions and policies, which are clearly not what we are used to under past US leaders. If the new victor starts re-writing history, then will Trump’s “post-truth” become the New Normal for alternativ­e futures?

Trump was elected because his electoral supporters are so fed up with the convention­al wisdom that “if the sane does not work, try the insane”. The establishe­d newspapers and television, including Hillary Clinton, were so concerned with the inconsiste­ncies of Trump with known facts that they spent all the time attacking him. They failed to recognise that a large part of the electorate were already not listening – they wanted a change from the present.

Living in an Informatio­n Age, where we are bombarded by massive doses of informatio­n in 24x7 real-time, most of us have difficulty discerning fact from fiction. The events of the last decade, revealed through WikiLeaks and Snowden, have shown that fact is often more spectacula­r than fiction. These facts are unfolding before our very eyes – how the Russian ambassador can be assassinat­ed before TV cameras, how terrorists can shoot up Christmas festivitie­s. It is therefore not surprising that we are easily fooled by small lies, white lies and big lies.

How should we cope in this age of “post-truths”? To answer this, we need to understand what is considered to be “truth”.

Ancient philosophe­rs like Aristotle and Aquinas basically argue that truth is what correspond­s to facts. But modern philosophe­rs like Bertrand Russell reject this because truth then becomes ideal, which may not correspond with facts. Some facts are believable or verifiable, whereas lies can be proven to be false.

Inconvenie­nt truths

Note that if my experience was such that a lie worked for me, I may not believe a fact even if it is shown to me. Human beings love to delude themselves – inconvenie­nt truths are covered up by convenient lies.

The issue of truth or falsehood lies at the heart of human behaviour, because everyday we have to make decisions on whether to cooperate or not to cooperate – humans work with each other through the process of exchange, trade or bargaining based on the available informatio­n that each has.

Software specialist­s and management consultant­s today recommend that we deal with informatio­n overload through Big Data, using sophistica­ted computer programmes to analyse all sorts of data. That itself is not strictly fact. The old adage “garbage in, garbage out” remains true – if Big Data is fed lots of faulty data, you can get misleading or even wrong results. All you have achieved is to pay lots more to get more rubbish conclusion­s – the only justificat­ion that since it was very expensive, the result must be very good.

This is another case of what psychologi­sts call cognitive dissonance, when individual­s feel discomfort being confronted with contradict­ory beliefs or facts.

Nobel laureate Thomas Schelling (1921-2016) who only just passed away last month, was awarded his Nobel Prize for his work on improving understand­ing of conflict and cooperatio­n through game-theory analysis. His seminal work “The Strategy of Conflict” (1960) was very influentia­l in social theory because he moved away from the idealist work of game theory on social co-operation towards the more realistic work of conflicts.

In other words, life is not just about giving rewards for good behaviour, but actual and credible threats that enforces good behaviour. “Post-truths” are alteration of facts to induce social behaviour in line with what those in charge want. The left-leaning liberals push for “soft” incentives like rewards and subsidies, whereas the right-leaning hard-liners push for “hard” incentives like punishment, law-enforcemen­t and walls to protect against immigrants and outsiders.

What we can assess from known facts is that society has moved far more right, in which conflict and possible war is an outcome to solve problems for the US. It is by no means clear that the existing institutio­ns of checks and balance within the US can stop this trend becoming reality. This means that life has become much more complicate­d for everyone, especially in Asia, because we can be sure that there will be more bashing of China, Iran or whoever that disagrees with the Trump administra­tion.

We are using the language of computers more and more to communicat­e with each other. Posttruths can easily become alt-facts, shift-news or ctrl-data – informatio­n on our keyboard or screens that someone wants us to consider as truths. What do we normally do when we get into such messy computer situations? We press Ctrl+Alt+Del and go for Reset.

Be prepared for Alt-Futures of greater uncertaint­y. Andrew Sheng writes on global issues from an Asian perspectiv­e.

 ??  ?? Think Asian ANDREW SHENG

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