The Star Malaysia - Star2

Smarter and faster cargo movement


LEADING depot and haulier solution company Cargomove has been working with Digi’s ifleet as one of its fleet management partners for a geo-location project initiated by the Port Klang Authority (also known as Lembaga Port Klang, LPK).

ifleet is Digi’s cloud-based fleet management solution that provides real-time informatio­n and alerts on fleet movement and driver behaviour.

Cargomove partnered with ifleet for its capability to integrate seamlessly into the port’s fleet queueing system, and compliance to port regulation­s for detailed and real-time tracking of vehicle traffic movement within Port Klang.

Cargomove pairs their depot booking system with ifleet’s GPS tracking capabiliti­es to create better visibility of Port Klang’s traffic.

With this solution, transporte­rs are able to plan their movements and routes to avoid being stuck in traffic and minimise cargo idle time.

This leads to lower fuel costs and emissions, which benefits cargo transporte­rs, port operators as well as the environmen­t.

Port Klang is the largest port in Malaysia and the 12th busiest container port in the world. (1)

In 2018, LPK recorded a total of 12.3 million TEUS (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) in 2018, an increase from 11.9 million TEUS in 2017. (2)

From a haulier solution and operator’s point of view, the importance of optimising logistics procedures is clear-cut.

Cargomove’s Strategic Partnershi­p and Business Operations manager Arvin Nair Lekshmanan says that in a busy harbour like Port Klang, it is important to optimise the flow of traffic towards and within the ports.

“Efficient logistics is an essential condition to maintain profitabil­ity as time is more optimised and productivi­ty increases.

“We are convinced that access to the port can always be smarter and faster. Therefore, it is vital to ensure we perform at optimal capacity by using detailed fleet data to better manage logistic procedures in ports,” says Arvin.

Kathryn Lee, head of Product for Digi-x, says that technology is a powerful driving force in innovation, which in turn makes industrial and societal processes more efficient.

“Advances in connectivi­ty and Internet of Things (IOT) are forging change in today’s market. Today’s ports have a wide range of technologi­cal tools – all with the goal of improving safety, accessibil­ity and efficiency.

“ifleet’s robust and flexible system allows better visibility for traffic estimates and progress. One demonstrab­le benefit is its ability to monitor and generate the sharing of GPS data for analytics, compliance and locationtr­acking purposes in daily operations.

“ifleet’s software is also capable of integratin­g into systems such as Cargomove, which makes operations easier and minimises the hassle of running several systems at once,” adds Lee.

Combining new technologi­es like IOT with ports allows haulier companies to blend data from multiple sources, creating a rich perspectiv­e on how the port performs.

IOT comprises hardware, connectivi­ty and software to allow solutions such as ifleet to operate, which allow for smoother and more efficient processes.

ifleet allows Cargomove to analyse the data patterns found in the port system relating to the many aspects of a port such as yard performanc­e, traffic flow, and crane performanc­e.

Installati­on of ifleet is hassle-free. Vehicles that intend to enter Port Klang can also consider ifleet as it requires no upfront CAPEX investment, and only a nominal monthly subscripti­on fee.

Logistics and transport companies who are looking to try out ifleet can get in touch with the ifleet team at for a free consultati­on.

■ For more informatio­n, visit https://ifleet. my/


(1) http://www.worldshipp­ about-the-industry/global-trade/top-50-worldconta­iner-ports

(2) download/category/75-port-klang-performanc­e

Efficient logistics is an essential condition to maintain profitabil­ity as time is more optimised and productivi­ty increases.

Arvin Nair Lekshmanan

 ??  ?? ifleet now supports Cargomove’s depot booking system with real-time tracking of fleet movement.
ifleet now supports Cargomove’s depot booking system with real-time tracking of fleet movement.

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