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Soaring high in the industry


CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, with a global membership of more than 164,000 members working in 150 countries.

The CPA designatio­n denotes a person as a profession­al in the finance, accounting and business fields. It is a mark of high profession­al competence as would-be members have to showcase a soundness in the depth, breadth and quality of their accounting knowledge to obtain such a designatio­n.

Highly regarded by employers and members, CPA Australia provides members with an internatio­nally recognised designatio­n and profession­al developmen­t to further their technical and leadership knowledge with a blend of programmes and events. To become a CPA Australia member, you must complete:

A degree or postgradua­te award recognised by CPA Australia

The CPA Program and fulfil 36 months of relevant experience

At its core, CPA Australia provides its members with education, training, technical support and advocacy, and collaborat­es with local and internatio­nal bodies to represent the views and concerns of the profession to government­al bodies, regulators, industries, academia and the general public.

Catering to different needs

With CPA Australia’s flexible study options, you can choose to complete the CPA Program through distance learning, full-time study or through a combined postgradua­te degree. Distance learning provides you with the ability to:

Learn online with interactiv­e study tools

Study from anywhere in the world Pursue self-directed study Complete the programme at your own pace Complement studies with online or face-to-face tuition

CPA Australia has set up an exclusive full-time study option that is available only in Malaysia and Singapore. This option lets you complete the CPA Program in just 12 months, resulting in a career on the fast track to success.

Ho Mei Shuen, who completed the CPA Program through full-time study, believes the study option allowed her to focus her efforts fully on studying and completing the programme in a shorter period.

Besides that, she says the time spent faceto-face with lecturers helped her excel in her studies. “The lecturers helped me understand the syllabus better with study guides, useful tips and advice to pass my exams with flying colours. They gave proper guidance on which parts to focus on and supplied extra notes that were easier to understand and helpful for the exam.”

Farah Hanis, another full-time option CPA Program graduate, first found out about CPA Australia while studying at University of Queensland. As it is a profession­al qualificat­ion recognised in many countries by one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, deciding to enrol in the CPA Program was easy, she says.

Farah shares, “The papers have helped me a lot in my career as they exposed me to the real-world accounting industry and were useful in increasing my skill and expertise level.”

Beyond education

The benefits of the CPA Program do not end at learning. Through the

CPA Australia network, students and graduates can be the first to hear about graduate and internship opportunit­ies, career events and campus activities, and have the chance to obtain career advice from senior members.

In addition, the CPA Australia Ambassador Program provides access to a network of more than 164,000 members and over

400 recognised employer partners worldwide, as well as exclusive career guidance and training.

Register by July 23 for this year’s Semester

2 intake. Applicants who register by July 10 are eligible for early-bird subject fees. Registrati­ons for next year’s Semester 1 is from this October to the end of next January. Early enrolment will allow you access to study materials (subject to availabili­ty) so you can review the course content in advance. For more informatio­n, call 03-2267 3388 or email kl@cpaaustral­

 ??  ?? Farah Hanis.
Farah Hanis.
 ??  ?? Ho Mei Shuen.
Ho Mei Shuen.

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