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Five tips for posting pics of children online


PARENTS love showing off how cute their children are, which in the social media era means posting photos of them online. However, as tempting as it is to share that adorable photo with Facebook friends, parents should remember to put their child’s needs first.

The German Children’s Fund (DKHW) recommends these five basic rules:

Have a chat: Children who are old enough should be allowed to participat­e in the decision-making process, says DKHW. Parents can discuss reasons for and against publishing a picture, teaching their kids how to share photos and personal data online in a responsibl­e manner from the very beginning.

Leave out details: The child’s full name should never be published with the photo. Places such as the kindergart­en, school or home shouldn’t be identifiab­le in the picture. Parents should also exercise restraint when it comes to comments or linking images.

If other children are visible on the picture, photograph­ers need the consent of their parents before publicatio­n.

Avoid showing faces: Almost every situation can be depicted without showing the child’s face, simply by taking photos from above or behind, for instance. An emoji covering the face can also protect the privacy of the child.

Avoid embarrassi­ng photos: Children should be clothed in photograph­s, and pictures of embarrassi­ng or degrading situations should be avoided. No matter how funny they might seem at the moment, pictures showing a child with a smeared face or on the potty could be awkward later in life.

Check security settings: When posting something, parents should check the visibility settings. Can everyone see the picture, or just friends? DKHW advises keeping the circle of people as small as possible.

Parents should also regularly check the basic privacy settings for Facebook and other social media platforms, since they are changed from time to time. – dpa

 ??  ?? Children who are old enough should be allowed to participat­e in the conversati­on about why a photo of them should or should not be published online. — dpa
Children who are old enough should be allowed to participat­e in the conversati­on about why a photo of them should or should not be published online. — dpa

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