The Star Malaysia - Star2

How to have a good day


WHEN was the last time you had a really good day? One that is filled with fun and laughter? Can’t remember?

Check out these tips and enjoy yourself.

No social media: Nobody knows why, but apparently being connected to people all the time online is linked to sadness. Possibly Sartre was right when he wrote, “Hell is other people” or maybe it’s because we think other people’s lives are so much more exciting than our own. Whatever it is, take a 24-hour break. No food pictures. No updates. No sharing.

Have a scrumptiou­s breakfast: Nasi lemak, thosai, French toast and a double chocolate whipped cream topped iced latte whatever it is that you dream about when you’re having a craving, eat it slowly. Savour it.

Do something nice: Helping others makes us feel better. Simple ways to help everyone is to spend an hour picking up rubbish. Put on rubber gloves, get the dustbin bag out, and clean plastic bags from your local park (preventing birds and fish from getting stuck and choking/drowning). Not only will everyone benefit from a clean environmen­t, you will be working off that scrumptiou­s breakfast too.

Go see something pretty: Looking at beautiful things is an uplifting experience. Travel to your nearest natural beauty like a waterfall, beach or mountain. If you’re artistic, visit a gallery or museum.

Be with happy people: Energise yourself by being swept up in a crowd of people having a good time. A market is a good place to hang out. Or a sporting event. If you have neither nearby you, go to a suburb known for its ethnic shops. Wandering about in a Little India or a China Town will give you plenty of interestin­g sights and sounds. While you’re there, have a spot of lunch.

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