The Star Malaysia - Star2

Ghost In The Shell



THE essence of the cyberpunk genre, a place where science fiction melds seamlessly with noirish elements, returns in Rupert Sanders’s adaptation of Shirow Masamune’s and Mamoru Oshii’s eponymous manga and anime, respective­ly.

A visually stunning experience, the film is set in a futuristic society where technology and humanity have merged – in which a cyber-terrorist has found a new and particular­ly nasty method of killing innocents by hacking their minds.

An anti-terrorist division known as Section 9 sends its best operative, the cybernetic­ally-enhanced Major Motoko (Scarlett Johansson) to investigat­e, but by doing so, the Major uncovers some secrets that she did not know she had.

It’s clear Sanders is substantia­lly gifted in his visuals than he is with his characters as the film is ultimately a thematical­ly shallow affair that goes nowhere near as seminal as its source materials. However, the film is hugely respectabl­e towards its origins, with Sanders and his writers lovingly retaining their themes of humanity and technology merging at a price, albeit on Hollywood’s fast-food level of intelligen­ce.

Johansson, whose casting is getting far more controvers­y in the West, is sufficient­ly tough and sensible enough to ground the film in plausibili­ty.

A late-act plot reveal which explores the Major’s past is a bold strategy that will certainly offend a lot of GitS devotees, but it adds to the character’s humanism and gives double meaning to the terms “Ghost” and “Shell”.

In a season full of bland Hollywood CGI candy, here’s a true sci-fi film that provides a lot of thought-provoking eye candy, tailor-made to be savoured on the big screen. – Delton V. Cox

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