The Star Malaysia - Star2

Tips for pretty feet


WANT to buy some sandals but find your feet aren’t fit to be seen? Check out these tips for happy, pretty feet.

Get great shoes

Poorly fitting shoes that pinch your heel or chafe your little toe result in corns, blisters, and calluses that are painful and unsightly. So pick shoes that fit well and wear them in before putting them on for a day-long walk.

Soak your feet

A bowl of warm water and some bath salts are a perfect antidote to sore feet. After 15 minutes of soaking, scrub the hard skin to remove dead cells. Finish with a rub of fresh grated coconut. Its natural oils are great for your skin and scent is heavenly.

Buy a good hard skin removal tool

Hard skin on the soles of your feet protects you when you are barefoot but too much of it is unsightly. Luckily, a rub twice a week with a classic long-handled file or one of the newer electric roller tools will do the job. Careful though; don’t overdo it.

Moisturise daily

Most of us step out of the shower and apply body lotion all over but it’s a rare person who remembers to rub the lotion on the heels and in between the toes. Yet we should, because the skin there needs looking after, especially after being locked into shoes all day long.

Trim your toenails correctly

Having nails that are too long can bend and bruise or damage the nail bed while those that are too short are painful. Also, not getting the shape right can lead to ingrown nails that have to be corrected by a doctor. If you don’t know what the right way is, go for a pedicure and follow the format.

 ??  ?? Pick shoes that fit your feet and wear them in before putting them on for a day-long walk.
Pick shoes that fit your feet and wear them in before putting them on for a day-long walk.

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