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Dealing with common colds


Acommon cold is a viral infection of your child’s nose and throat. nasal congestion and a runny nose are the primary signs of common cold in children. Young children are susceptibl­e to colds because they are exposed to older children who do not wash their hands.

They have also yet to develop immunity to common infections. Within the first year, most children have up to seven bouts of colds.

Dealing with a child’s cold involves easing symptoms such as providing fluids and keeping the air moist. Young children require medical attention at the first sign of colds as they are at a higher risk of croup and pneumonia.

Coughs and their causes coughing and wheezing are common symptoms of childhood illness and may not mean anything serious. It is a normal, healthy reflex that clears respirator­y airways. Relieve symptoms of coughing at home, but should symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

A cause for coughing is usually due to colds. Hydrate the child with warm fluids. If fever comes with the cold, treat it immediatel­y. Seek out doctors and be cautious when administer­ing medication.

coughing is also due to swallowing or inhaling something. Due to curiosity, a child will pop something foreign into their mouths just to taste the item.

While crawling, they seek out dusty corners to play in. That is when coughing is a reaction – a defence mechanism to rid itself of irritants. Dealing with fever and flu children with flu can become fussy and irritable and appear tired and cranky. They may not feed well and have symptoms related to cold or other viral illness. consult doctors about pain relievers. Ensure your child gets plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids and feed him or her often.

A fever in a child can be a worrying symptom for parents. However, a fever is usually an indication of the body fighting an illness. The child most probably picked up a cold or a viral infection. Less common in young children are cases of pneumonia, meningitis and other forms of infection such as the urinary tract and ear which cause fevers.

Allergies Allergies often run in families and a child who is allergic to one thing is usually allergic to other things as well. Except for asthma, most allergies can be managed at home. However, severe allergic reactions can result in anaphylact­ic shock, which requires immediate medical treatment.

children develop allergies because their immune system exaggerate­s responses to harmless substance in the air, medication­s or food, materials or insect sting. The body overreacts by releasing histamines and a host of chemicals that produce allergic symptoms.

What to look out for check for symptoms of an allergy and their causes. consult a doctor immediatel­y at the signs of severe allergy, fever, cold or flu such as difficulty breathing or swallowing.

Dust and vacuum frequently to eliminate pollen, dust and mould. clean air conditione­r filters regularly. Remove skin irritants such as soaps, laundry detergent and objects that may hold allergens such as carpets, plants and feather bedding. Wash stuffed toys and if the child has a reaction three hours after eating, identify and remove the food from his diet.

This article is courtesy of morinaga milk malaysia.

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 ??  ?? Dealing with the common cold in children mostly involves taking steps to ease their symptoms.
Dealing with the common cold in children mostly involves taking steps to ease their symptoms.

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