The Star Malaysia - Star2

The right head start


OUR Business and Accounting graduates enjoy outstandin­g graduate employabil­ity because we equip them with extensive industry-specific skills required to become Industry Specialist Profession­al (ISP) Certified graduates,” says Soon Fook Huang, senior lecturer of Binary University’s School of Accounting and Finance.

The ISP Centre of Excellence at Binary University is supported by more than 280 Faculty of Industry Profession­als (FIPs).

The ISP Certified programme is conducted over a three-year period and runs parallel with Binary University degrees. It has a positive impact on graduate employabil­ity as students acquire more industrysp­ecific skills.

“Binary University’s graduate employabil­ity is one of the highest in the country as evidenced by the Tracer Study (an annual study that surveys the performanc­e of graduates in the job market upon graduation) conducted by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia,” says Roland Wee, Binary University registrar.

“Binary also equips its graduates with extensive entreprene­urial skills. Driven by the EYE Centre of Excellence (E3), all business and accounting students acquire extensive entreprene­urial knowledge and skills as our degrees have high entreprene­urial content,” says Datuk Prof Joseph Adaikalam, founder and chairman of Binary University.

The BA (Hons) in Accounting is among the few accounting qualificat­ions in Malaysia that is triple accredited - by CPA Australia, MQA and ACCA. It provides exemption from eight ACCA papers.

Binary University offers PhD, master’s, bachelor’s and diploma courses.

The next intake will commence on March 25 and April 28.

For more informatio­n, call 03-8070 6590/96 or visit

 ??  ?? The ISP certified programme is run concurrent­ly with degree programmme­s at Binary University.
The ISP certified programme is run concurrent­ly with degree programmme­s at Binary University.

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