The Star Malaysia - Star2

Did you forget something?

- Www.egb761.epplusgrou­p. com

HEALTHY people, regardless of age, can experience memory loss. The normal ageing process leads to predictabl­e changes in thinking and memory. These include “wear and tear” damage from the reduced capacity to neutralise free radicals that are harmful to brain cells and declines in generating energy that allows the brain to function optimally.

When memory problems start affecting our daily lives, our focus, attention and vigilance drift, making it more difficult to receive, process and interpret informatio­n, therefore affecting performanc­e and decisionma­king. Without proper interventi­ons, the overworked neurons can no longer function to coordinate informatio­n properly and we lose our ability to remember the previously learned informatio­n.

If you are worried about your memory problems or those of your loved ones, it is advisable to find out the cause as soon as possible by consulting your doctor and requesting an examinatio­n.

EGb761 delays the cognitive decline

New breakthrou­gh research has shown that memory problems at an early stage can be prevented or delayed. Based on a 20-year follow-up population­specific study conducted on patients consuming EGb761, the cognitive decline in the subjects on EGb761 is significan­tly slower compared with non-users. The subjects were able to extend their memory performanc­e by 20 years. EGb761 might be the solution for you for a sharp memory.

EGb761 is a highly purified and standardis­ed ginkgo biloba extract, manufactur­ed in France that guarantees the quality and concentrat­ion of its content.

With its unique standardis­ed pharmaceut­ical quality, EGb761 provides guaranteed efficacy and safety, which makes it the preferred therapeuti­c grade of ginkgo biloba among health profession­als.

Ask your doctors or pharmacist­s how EGb761 from France can help you to increase your memory and improve your mental performanc­e. You may also ask for a screening using the CAIDE Dementia Score Card.

EGb761 is distribute­d by EP Plus Group Sdn Bhd.

This article is contribute­d by Medical Edutainmen­t Specialist, EP Plus Group Sdn Bhd.

For details on EGb761, call 03-6205 2728 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. You may also visit

to learn more on how to improve your memory.

 ??  ?? If you are worried about memory problems, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
If you are worried about memory problems, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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