The Star Malaysia - Star2

Travellers who

It’s a big world out there, with much to explore, so travel websites with crowd-sourced reviews make a good tool for those planning a vacation.


PLANNING ahead is always best for your holiday. The most important thing, arguably, is deciding where to stay and what to see or do at the destinatio­ns you have picked. Of course, choosing the destinatio­n is the first thing to determine.

It’s easier these days to do research as we have the Internet and travel websites to turn to. TripAdviso­r, for instance, has an impressive 280 million unique monthly visitors with over 170 million reviews and opinions covering more than four million accommodat­ions, restaurant­s and attraction­s. Little wonder it’s the world’s largest travel site.

It’s pretty much human nature that you would probably trust a fellow traveller’s review over endorsemen­ts from other sources. And TripAdviso­r, with its large database of reviews, seems a pretty good option to check out.

But what is the appeal of contributi­ng and writing a review, you may ask. Two of TripAdviso­r’s top reviewers in Malaysia with different travel styles share the reasons that motivate them to document their travel experience­s on TripAdviso­r.

Joshua Tan, 43, is a Kuala Lumpur-based freelance website developer, mobile app developer and Android programmin­g trainer by profession, and an avid explorer outside of work. He is also TripAdviso­r’s top reviewer in Malaysia for “Most Attraction­s Reviews” and “Most Trips Abroad Reviews” under the pseudonym “JoshShoeSt­ring”. These awards say a lot about his love for travelling which often includes off-the-beaten-path adventures like covering a total of 800km – from Medan to Drasdadi, in Sumatra, Indonesia – on a motorbike.

It all began in 2008 when Tan was researchin­g the best travel deals and tips. He soon realised that physical travel guides usually only feature the advice of one writer and may not contain the latest informatio­n about a destinatio­n. He also started becoming more wary about marketing brochures from hospitalit­y organisati­ons which would showcase their best photos. He then stumbled upon TripAdviso­r. “After that first encounter with TripAdviso­r, I’ve not looked back and TripAdviso­r is now an indispensa­ble trip-planning tool before, during, and after my travels,” he says, adding that TripAdviso­r provides a fairly accurate sense of a place.

For Tan, going from consumer to reviewer was a natural progressio­n as he had benefited substantia­lly from TripAdviso­r. He remarks: “Simply put, this is my way of giving back – by helping others plan the perfect trip and sharing what I’ve experience­d during my travels, including the good and the bad.”

He is also active in TripAdviso­r’s forum, often exchanging with other travellers useful informatio­n about budget-friendly accom-

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 ??  ?? this motorbike was tan’s trusty mode of transport while travelling in Sumatra.
The road less travelled
this motorbike was tan’s trusty mode of transport while travelling in Sumatra. The road less travelled

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