The Borneo Post

Hong Kongbased chef gets first Michelin star for Venezuela


HONG KONG: Arepas, tacos and an old family recipe of chimichurr­i: Ricardo Chaneton’s symphony of flavours familiar to Latin Americans has earned his Hong Kong restaurant a coveted Michelin star – the first awarded to a Venezuelan chef.

For Chaneton, who for so long was known for French cuisine, ge ing the star two years a er his restaurant Mono’s opening is a source of great pride – as well as a ‘very nice weight’ of responsibi­lity.

“On that side of the world, everyone is watching us. The fact of being the first Venezuelan to have a Michelin star makes people put their eyes on you,” the 34-year-old chef told AFP.

“But I tell them not to worry because we are representi­ng our continent and our countries in the best way we can.”

Located in Hong Kong’s upscale Central district, Mono has already received region-wide approval – in 2021, it was among Asia’s 50 Best Restaurant­s, the first such appearance for a Latin

American joint.

It was initially billed as ‘contempora­ry French’ because of Chaneton’s experience in Mirazur, the famed French Riviera restaurant voted the world’s best in 2019. But a month into Mono’s opening, diners were already calling his restaurant Latin American, he said.

“That is what we wanted. That French element will always be there, but I was born in Venezuela, Colombian grandmothe­r, Argentine grandfathe­r, and that’s how I put in my own flavour,” the Caracas native said. Different accents of spoken Spanish can be heard from Chaneton’s open kitchen – his staff hail from Venezuela, Mexico, Guatemala and Brazil – and their dishes are a testament to the region’s diverse tastes.

Hong Kong’s dining woes

On Chaneton’s menu is a French Racan pigeon fused with chimichurr­i and jicama – a root vegetable common in South American cuisine – and a wild

Bri any turbot fillet that gets its vivid yellow colour thanks to anna o oil, popular in Latin and Asian dishes.

The sides are also reminiscen­t of street food familiar to Venezuelan­s or Mexicans – like fresh corn hallaquita­s, which are like Venezuelan tamales, or arepas filled with lobster and slow-cooked beef.

“We do not want to make a 100 per cent traditiona­l cuisine, but it is based on our perception and our interpreta­tion of nostalgia and taste memories,” the chef said.

Despite ge ing the star, Mono’s experience has been anti-climatic given Hong Kong’s coronaviru­s restrictio­ns on indoor dining during an Omicronfue­lled wave.

Chaneton said he received news of the award on a January morning – the same day Hong Kong’s government told restaurant­s to stop indoor dining a er 6pm.

“We had that bi ersweet experience all in the same day,” Chaneton told AFP. “I can’t wait to provide Michelin star service at night.” With cases ebbing, the government has announced that nigh ime dining will resume April 21.

He has no regrets over his circuitous path to his Michelin star, beginning in a Caracas pizza joint to mastering French cuisine under the leadership of legend Mauro Colagreco.

A er working as the executive chef in Hong Kong’s Petrus at the Shangri-La Hotel before striking out on his own, Chaneton said he is grateful for how ‘fate has played’ with his culinary journey.

“I think the most beautiful thing about Mono is that it is a window in Asia to the refined Latin American gastronomy,” he said. “If I had won that star doing French cuisine, it would not have had the same weight.”

 ?? — AFP photos ?? Chaneton working at his Michelin Star restaurant ‘Mono’ in Hong Kong.
— AFP photos Chaneton working at his Michelin Star restaurant ‘Mono’ in Hong Kong.
 ?? ?? Chaneton posing at his Michelin Star restaurant ‘Mono’.
Chaneton posing at his Michelin Star restaurant ‘Mono’.
 ?? ?? Chaneton’s table decor.
Chaneton’s table decor.
 ?? ?? The sign at ‘Mono’.
The sign at ‘Mono’.

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