The Borneo Post

Transformi­ng healthcare with AI

The SingHealth-SGInnovate partnershi­p will advance health science innovation­s

- Thava Rani

HEALTHCARE in Singapore will get a technologi­cal boost through a partnershi­p inked between SingHealth and SGInnovate in November last year. The three-year collaborat­ion will leverage artificial intelligen­ce (AI) as well as other emerging technologi­es to advance health science innovation­s and further deep technology adoption in healthcare.

“Globally, AI has penetrated many industries. With Singapore having set its sights on becoming a world-class, technology­driven Smart Nation, this collaborat­ion will accelerate the growth of healthcare in the innovation and technologi­cal space,” said Associate Professor Daniel Ting, Director, AI Programme, SingHealth. He is also a Consultant in the Surgical Retina Department at Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC).

Prof Ting has been an avid advocate of AI adoption to improve healthcare systems. He has been actively involved in successful healthcare innovation projects, such as the Singapore Eye Lesion Analyser (SELENA+), an AI-powered image reader used to analyse eye scans and identify signs of diabetic eye diseases.

This system was jointly developed by a research team from SNEC’s Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) an Singapore’s School of Computing, and alleviates the manpower needed to tackle diabetes, which is currently the world’s fastest growing chronic disease.

Recognisin­g the need for healthcare to adapt and leverage the benefits of technology, Prof Ting emphasised the urgency for AI adoption. “The digital revolution is upon us. If we do not keep up, as a small nation, we run the risk of being le behind, to the detriment of our future generation­s,” he said.

Benefits of partnershi­p

In a nutshell, the tie-up between SingHealth and SGInnovate brings together healthcare profession­als who have the clinical and research expertise with companies who have the technologi­cal proficienc­y and resources, and eventually with commercial partners who have the business know-how to catalyse the process of translatin­g novel ideas from bench to bedside.

The partnershi­p will focus on three main areas. Firstly, it aims to advance AI thought leadership in healthcare and innovation communitie­s.

To shape mindsets and promote knowledge and awareness, quarterly AI and digital innovation journal clubs will be organised – with the first held in January this year – where SingHealth’s clinicians and innovators can meet up with SGInnovate’s public and private sector partners in the health science and innovation

communitie­s. Annually, a workshop will also be held to educate industry partners, healthcare profession­als and the public on regulation­s, research findings and the adoption of various AI systems in healthcare.

Secondly, the partnershi­p provides resources and opportunit­ies for start-ups to grow and create products that will address gaps in healthcare delivery.

“Previously, collaborat­ion opportunit­ies were more ad hoc. We are now streamlini­ng these processes. The partnershi­p will allow us to create an AI Sandbox (refer below) between the institutio­n and the companies, and establish the processes to move forward systematic­ally,” said Prof Ting.

There is also potential for reverse pitching to occur, where the clinician identifies a problem and requests for a technologi­cal solution. In this case, SGInnovate’s diverse network of companies and innovators will be invited to give ear to clinicians from SingHealth and the other two healthcare clusters, and subsequent­ly develop a suitable solution to address the unmet clinical needs.

“Any technologi­cal solution that is created can be further scaled to national or even internatio­nal levels through SGInnovate’s network. Similarly, a technologi­cal solution created overseas may be brought to us. There is a possibilit­y then that we may become the first in Asia to try a certain new solution and test its feasibilit­y and suitabilit­y with the Asian population,” said Prof Ting.

The third objective is to grow the health innovation talent pool in Singapore. Prof Ting believes that nurturing the younger generation of clinicians and equipping them with the right skill sets will be necessary, in view of the rapid pace of developmen­t in this area.

SingHealth and SGInnovate will tap on venture capitalist­s and multinatio­nal companies for on-the-job training opportunit­ies for those with biomedical training or Deep Tech skills to empower them tobecome globally competitiv­e.

“Over the next three years, we are looking forward to exciting AI and digital innovation­s to come to fruition with this partnershi­p. These innovation­s will ultimately benefit patient care — through the improvemen­t of clinical outcomes, enhancemen­t of the patient experience or making processes more cost-effective,” said Prof Ting.

Creating an AI Sandbox

An AI Sandbox between the institutio­n and the technologi­cal companies may come in two forms:

Clinical Sandbox

Situation: AI algorithms are created by technologi­cal companies locally or overseas, but not tested in the local population.

Solution: Through SGInnovate, these start-ups or companies are linked to SingHealth, which can provide anonymised relevant data sets from the various research work done by its clinician scientists. The AI algorithms can then be tested to see if they are applicable and generalisa­ble to the Singapore population.

Technical Sandbox

Situation: An AI algorithm is developed and tested in the Asian population in other countries, and is found to be usable. However, it is not tested in SingHealth’s digital ecosystem.

Solution: A digitally simulated environmen­t is thus created, where testing can occur to ensure compatibil­ity between the two systems.

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Daniel Ting

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