The Borneo Post

Sibu archers expected to hit elusive target this time

- Philip Wong

SIBU: Sibu archers are closing in on a breakthrou­gh after three of them qualified for the final selection trial for the Malaysia Games (Sukma) to be held in Kuching next month.

No one from Sibu Division has ever represente­d Sarawak in the sport at Sukma. Despite mounting pressure for this to happen Sibu head coach Eric Ting is optimistic all three can make it this time.

“Lots of responsibi­lity rest on their shoulders and, if they stay focused and concentrat­e on their job, I believe all of them will be able to make the cut for the final Sukma list,” he said.

The three are Melvin Tieh Xuan Ruay and Eason Lau Hui Wan (men’s recurve) and Christine Li Ying Zhen (women’s recurve).

The division sent six players to compete in the second selection trial held in Kuching early this month.

The top eight in each event qualified for the final selection.

Tieh shot down 618 points after 72 arrows to take the third placing followed by Lau on 615 points.

Li just managed to squeeze through with 498 points to take the 8th spot in the women’s event.

The other members of the team were Desmond Ho, Isaac Ting Ann Zhe and Sabrina Chin.

The team suffered a major disappoint­ment when Ho, who was highly anticipate­d to make the cut, crashed out after he managed only 582 points to be placed ninth.

Tiong, who is also Sibu team manager, is already proud of what the team has achieved so far.

“Sibu started to take up the sport late and, generally speaking, we are already considered a success with three players qualifying for the final selection round,” he said.

 ?? ?? (From left) Tiong, Lau, Li and Tieh are set for the final selection round to decide Sarawak’s archery squad for the 2022 Sukma.
(From left) Tiong, Lau, Li and Tieh are set for the final selection round to decide Sarawak’s archery squad for the 2022 Sukma.

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