The Borneo Post

Cars were killing salamander­s. A student got the road closed to save them

- Cathy Free

ELI Bieri noticed something disturbing as he walked through Presque Isle Park in Marquette, Michigan, a few years ago.

Several dozen blue-spotted salamander­s had been smashed by cars while they were crossing from the forest to the wetlands on the other side of the road during their annual migration to breed and lay eggs.

“They were all over the road, squished flat by tires,” said Bieri, 23, then a freshman ecology student at Northern Michigan University in the Upper Peninsula.

“I've always loved salamander­s, and it really made me sad,” he said about the 4-inch, bug-eyed amphibians, a common species in east-central North America.

On that drizzly night in 2018, he said he was the only one in the park to witness the yearly migration that happens over several weeks in the spring.

“I saw them crossing the road en masse,” said Bieri, adding that they go to their breeding ponds when the weather is just right rainy and 30 to 40 degrees.

The following year, Bieri said he knew he had to do something to help the blue-spotted salamander­s that were being crushed by people who drove their cars into the park to stargaze, not knowing any better.

“I've been fascinated by swamps and ponds since I was a kid chasing frogs and turtles, so of course, I was out there,” he said.

Bieri went to the tool he knew best: He started a university research project to figure out how many of the salamander­s were being killed by tires in Presque Isle Park every year.

“It's impossible for a driver to see them at night because they're black and the asphalt is black,” said Bieri, explaining that the long-tailed salamander­s move slowly, increasing their chance of being squashed.

Bieri checked the park road every day for several weeks to see how many salamander­s had died during their migration journey.

He got other students to help with his research, and together they tagged salamander­s to get a feel for their numbers, he said.

They found about 400 dead salamander­s on the road that spring, and learned that many of them were getting wiped out on the park's main thoroughfa­re every year, Bieri said.

He released his findings, and upon seeing them, Marquette decided in 2020 to block a quartermil­e section of the park's main road during migration season, from 8pm to 8am.

That year, Bieri found only three salamander­s flattened by

car tires, a big victory.

The road closure now happens every year, and other groups joined the city to help let the public know about the salamander's plight, including the Superior Watershed Partnershi­p and Northern Michigan University.

Once residents found out about the salamander­s, they flocked to the park to see them, leaving their cars in safely designated areas, and searching for the critters on foot, Bieri said.

“Most people didn't even know they were there,” he said. “I was happy to help share that magic.”

Now, salamander-watching expedition­s are so popular in Marquette that the city has decided to hold its first Salamander Days this spring – six weeks of events including a salamander art show and hikes to learn about the amphibians' habitat. A local brewery has even come up with a special salamander beer, but it's golden hued, not blue.

Local resident Dan Barrington, 64, proposed the celebratio­n last year.

“I thought it sounded like a magical idea – I'd been out to watch the migration with my wife and I was mesmerized,” Barrington said. “The salamander­s are really sweet and not many people had seen them before.”

He and a friend, Elizabeth “Puck” Bates, took his proposal to Tiina Morin, Marquette's arts and culture manager, and she was immediatel­y on board, he said. Barrington got to work crafting two giant blue-spotted salamander­s from plywood and foam to promote Salamander Days.

Although blue-spotted salamander­s are not endangered, they're an indicator species that can alert humans to problems in the ecosystem, said Tyler Pendrod, a program manager at Superior Watershed Partnershi­p, a lake protection group in Marquette.

“What's really cool about Eli's research is that a lot of educationa­l programmin­g has come out of it,” he said. “Children are experienci­ng nature in a way they never did before. From 10 to 11 at night in April, the parking lot at the park is now packed.”

Blue-spotted salamander­s venture out only in full darkness and they're best viewed with a flashlight on a rainy night, Bieri said.

He said he is delighted to see families carefully walking along the roadside at night with flashlight­s, hoping to catch the beginning of the spring migration, when the salamander­s come out in droves.

Bieri is missing this year's salamander celebratio­n because he is on vacation in Fiji. This summer, he plans to start a master's degree program in Australia.

“I'll be doing research on frog responses to wildfires,” Bieri said. He added that he eventually hopes to become a wildlife biologist.

“Even though they're not bluespotte­d salamander­s, they're also important and interestin­g,” he said. — The Washington Post

 ?? — City of Marquette Office of Arts and Culture ?? Barrington with Elizabeth “Puck” Bates, who helped him to coordinate plans for Marquette’s Salamander Days. They’re holding one of the giant salamander­s created by Barrington from plywood and foam to promote the event.
— City of Marquette Office of Arts and Culture Barrington with Elizabeth “Puck” Bates, who helped him to coordinate plans for Marquette’s Salamander Days. They’re holding one of the giant salamander­s created by Barrington from plywood and foam to promote the event.
 ?? — Superior Watershed Partnershi­p ?? A blue-spotted salamander on the move in Marquette, Michigan, in late March 2021.
— Superior Watershed Partnershi­p A blue-spotted salamander on the move in Marquette, Michigan, in late March 2021.

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