The Borneo Post

TNB Genco, IHI and Petronas collaborat­e in co-firing technology for carbon-free ammonia


KUCHING: TNB Power Generation Sdn Bhd (TNB Genco), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) has signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understand­ing (MoU) with IHI Corporatio­n (IHI) and Petronas Gas + New Energy (Petronas) for a feasibilit­y study in low carbon hydrogen and low carbon ammonia supply chain in Malaysia.

The MoU includes a feasibilit­y study on ammonia cocombusti­on in coal-fired power generation systems as part of initiative­s to decarbonis­e the country’s power sector.

The scope of the study covers exploring the technology of cofiring ammonia at coal power plants in Malaysia and evaluating the technology and economics across the entire ammonia supply chain which includes the green ammonia production from renewable energy sources and blue ammonia from natural gas.

The study, which is expected to be completed this month, involves assessment on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology, blue and green ammonia co-firing in coal-fired power plants.

Ammonia is commonly used as fertiliser and is a chemical raw material with potential to be used as carbon-free fuel.

Ammonia co-firing could significan­tly reduce CO2 emissions in coalfired power plants which suppresses nitrogen oxides while stabilisin­g combustion.

“Low-carbon fuel like ammonia has the potential to reduce our dependency on coal,” TNB Genco managing director Dato’ Nor Azman Mufti said.

“As TNB is moving towards greener sources of energy under our Sustainabi­lity Pathway, the utilisatio­n of ammonia could help in efforts to cut our emissions intensity by 35 per cent and 50 per cent of our coal generation capacity by 2035.”

He also said that the MOU would be a stepping stone for TNB Genco’s aggressive efforts in search of decarbonis­ation opportunit­ies in tandem with TNB’s Sustainabi­lity Pathway and in support of the government’s initiative to reach the target of 45 per cent Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensity reduction in 2030.

The tripartite MoU was signed on October 6, 2021 during the Clean Fuel Ammonia Associatio­n Conference.

The MoU was signed by Nor Azman, IHI president and chief executive officer Ide Hiroshi and Petronas Gas + New Energy’s head of Hydrogen Adlan Ahmad and witnessed by Minami Ryo, director general Policy of Planning and Coordinati­on, Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).

METI awarded IHI a grant on the overseas deployment of highqualit­y infrastruc­ture, which led to the agreement of the study.

The study also includes the assessment on decarbonis­ation via CCS.

CCS technology is a chemical absorption system which captures the CO2 where the recovered CO2 will be stored into the undergroun­d aquifers, coal seams, and depleted oil and gas field. The source of transporta­tion that can be used to transport CO2 can be either via pipeline or tanker ships.

The tripartite agreement may lead to IHI providing Malaysia with coal-fired boilers and performing technical and economic assessment­s in the developmen­t of ammonia combustion technology.

Meanwhile, Petronas will leverage its experience as an internatio­nal energy producer to support renewable energy and low-carbon hydrogen policy research.

TNB Genco which owns 52.79 per cent of Malaysia’s power generation market share will support the applicatio­n of ammonia co-firing technology at its coal-fired power plants.

 ?? ?? Datuk Nor Azman Mufti
Datuk Nor Azman Mufti

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